infinite possibilities

I'm really enjoying Korra, but for me it just isn't as enjoyable as A:TLA, and I think the reason is that I just don't care all that much about the political storyline. I'm way past caring much who might be behind Amon's mask. I looked forward to the flashbacks, but entirely because I was so enjoying seeing the Gaang

They wouldn't necessarily have to have gone through laziness. Maybe it started with delirium or seizures or agitation, was left to run its course because everyone else was afflicted with the apathy, and by the time it developed into full-blown functional madness, the rest of the planet was dead.

They wouldn't necessarily have to have gone through laziness. Maybe it started with delirium or seizures or agitation, was left to run its course because everyone else was afflicted with the apathy, and by the time it developed into full-blown functional madness, the rest of the planet was dead.

The Earth Kingdom also has a lot of Korea in it, particularly the clothing. The mother and daughter who host Iroh and Zuko for dinner are wearing traditional Korean hanbok.

The Earth Kingdom also has a lot of Korea in it, particularly the clothing. The mother and daughter who host Iroh and Zuko for dinner are wearing traditional Korean hanbok.

@avclub-976e5a7c9f5586745269c99891652285:disqus  Oh, I didn't mean to say his other moves haven't been motivated by cruelty, nor that they've been smart. Just that not everything horrible he's done has been trumpeted in front of crowds of people. I know I was surprised, in the books, to realize he was actually capable

@avclub-976e5a7c9f5586745269c99891652285:disqus  Oh, I didn't mean to say his other moves haven't been motivated by cruelty, nor that they've been smart. Just that not everything horrible he's done has been trumpeted in front of crowds of people. I know I was surprised, in the books, to realize he was actually capable

I still wouldn't be surprised to find out it was Joffrey. Tyrion's been the only one standing up to him - actively putting him down on a regular basis - and (HINTS AT SPOILERS?) after certain revelations that the series hasn't gotten to yet, we know he is capable of more subtle and ruthless moves than the impulsive

I still wouldn't be surprised to find out it was Joffrey. Tyrion's been the only one standing up to him - actively putting him down on a regular basis - and (HINTS AT SPOILERS?) after certain revelations that the series hasn't gotten to yet, we know he is capable of more subtle and ruthless moves than the impulsive

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus You could be a walking spoiler! Especially if you added a few more names to that shirt. Now I want a shirt with at least a dozen dead potential kings' names on it. There are at least that many by now. 
Or maybe set it up like a World Series bracket. "Ned Vs. Joffrey,

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus You could be a walking spoiler! Especially if you added a few more names to that shirt. Now I want a shirt with at least a dozen dead potential kings' names on it. There are at least that many by now. 
Or maybe set it up like a World Series bracket. "Ned Vs. Joffrey,

Agreed. Not just of what a good man her father was, but also that she shouldn't have been in such a hurry to grow up, now that - as you said - she knows what that means.

Agreed. Not just of what a good man her father was, but also that she shouldn't have been in such a hurry to grow up, now that - as you said - she knows what that means.



Your concern about Loras is sound. I watched the episode with two newbies, and while they realized they were supposed to recognize him, he wasn't on screen long enough for them to figure out who he was. I'm guessing that next week's episode will make more of a point of him being there, and what it means as far as the

Your concern about Loras is sound. I watched the episode with two newbies, and while they realized they were supposed to recognize him, he wasn't on screen long enough for them to figure out who he was. I'm guessing that next week's episode will make more of a point of him being there, and what it means as far as the

@avclub-e7af19935015fb11dedb9fbb2955f880:disqus I think that's more a Robert Arryn sort of reaction.

@avclub-e7af19935015fb11dedb9fbb2955f880:disqus I think that's more a Robert Arryn sort of reaction.

And still no I'll Fly Away. I know mine can't have been the only family that watched it!