infinite possibilities

And still no I'll Fly Away. I know mine can't have been the only family that watched it!

Pretty sure that's not possible.  John had his eyes on Sherlock the entire time; if the show is going to try and convince me that he somehow just didn't spot Sherlock propping up a dead body on the ledge and tipping it over, it's going to have to work VERY hard to do so.

Pretty sure that's not possible.  John had his eyes on Sherlock the entire time; if the show is going to try and convince me that he somehow just didn't spot Sherlock propping up a dead body on the ledge and tipping it over, it's going to have to work VERY hard to do so.

@avclub-2ebe3bb8363c914bcd4b3e1f8395f9ff:disqus See, and I felt exactly the opposite. The relief he showed us when he realized that Sherlock really was everything he'd hoped for, really was a worthy adversary for him all along, made it very plausible that he'd choose to end his life right then.  After all, after the

@avclub-2ebe3bb8363c914bcd4b3e1f8395f9ff:disqus See, and I felt exactly the opposite. The relief he showed us when he realized that Sherlock really was everything he'd hoped for, really was a worthy adversary for him all along, made it very plausible that he'd choose to end his life right then.  After all, after the

Oh, yes. The symbolism of the gesture was clear. I'm just saying it would have been funny.

I knew this wouldn't happen, because we've seen he has more freedom of movement than that, but I would have laughed pretty hard if the episode had ended with Bobby stuck in the trunk.

A very good point.

I really liked "Cardassians". There was only one thing that was very distracting, and that was that I couldn't stop thinking it would solve everything if they just got Rugal some of that magic plastic surgery the main cast is always getting. He already considers himself Bajoran, so make him look Bajoran, and pat him

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus So they can't get up AND it's dark?

Hmm, I put this on the wrong level. Can't I delete my first attempt?

EDIT: Reposted where I meant it to be. Sorry! Um… Look, everyone, it's a badger with a phaser! Can you see? Surely it will kill us all! *waits until everyone's looking away, then runs*

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus All true. And given Khan's actions, I don't think Kirk would have been unjustified in killing him.  Less certain about his crew, especially given the character of Joachim in the movie who showed that not all his people were as hell-bent on domination as Khan was. (I

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus , that is a very unfortunate takeaway.

You know nothing, Jon Sn— that is, James Kirk.


Possibly he was trying to play both sides. It would seem in keeping with the finger-steepling deviousness he was demonstrating that he'd try to make sure that whoever came up on top, he'd be right there with them.

Yes - I see the comparison you're making, @avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus , but I also have to disagree on the 'exactly' part.  It's true that both alternates are more casual and playful.  But alt!Kira here is definitely evil!Kira; her playfulness is constantly manipulative if not outright malicious.

And don't forget Bashir!  I started out watching season 7, which is turning out to be a bit problematic.  Though intellectually I know what I'm seeing is the beginning of some impressive long-term character growth, I still keep cringing at his behavior.  It feels more like character assassination!

You and me both. ^_^