infinite possibilities

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Oh. Really? ^^; Curses. Honestly, I figured they'd only get worse when a new person took them over.

Oh, I count on there being flaws. Half the fun of reading any reviews is watching the bad parts get taken down with intelligence and humor! ^_^

I would add that I really think his voice works against him. He's got that melodic, rich, Shakespearean voice, and it definitely gives a sense of Melodrama to lines that don't really need it. So even when he's supposed to sound casual, he still sounds a certain amount Melodramatic. I don't know if he's able to sound

No, he did! I remember noticing that specifically. He poured one cup, set it down towards Sisko, and picked up the other one and drank from it. So obviously he'd already poured a cup for himself before the meeting started.

I don't really get why anybody skips episodes. Sure, some of them are not so good, and every series has a few stinkers. But even the stinkers often have good scenes, good character moments, good dialogue, plot advancement - I really think every episode is worth watching at least once.  Especially with DS9, where the

I'm looking forward to this! I've never watched any of Babylon 5, and honestly haven't heard more than lukewarm recommendations of it, but I've always been rather curious. If you're reviewing it, Rowan, that might be the push I need to finally watch it. ^_^

Same here. I didn't guess the book part, and I think it was mostly because the bit with the sister threw me off. She was immersing herself in a "working poor" lifestyle, not a cult. She couldn't have told her family about this plan at least? Honestly, I'm not sure why she couldn't tell the university too.

@avclub-79c971df9097228e547f2661f55b9847:disqus , I think you just touched on my main complaint with the Wheel of Time books.  They start with a few main characters, then add a few more, and by about book 7 there are SO MANY characters we're supposed to be focusing in that we hardly get to see the original characters

No, I liked her too.  She didn't seem like the typical snotty teen character.  Yes, she shoved her way into Dean's investigation, but I can't really blame her. She's sent two men off only to never hear from either of them again.  Under the circumstances, I think I'd want to go along the next time too, rather than

The amount of time the "Previously" segment spent on Sam's hallucinations made me wonder all over again.  For months that aspect has seemed totally forgotten, but I wonder if that isn't deliberate.  If they're playing some sort of long con on us where big chunks of the season will turn out to have been hallucinations,

Agreed! When Bobby's house was burning, all I could think was, "Oh no, all those BOOKS." I mean, not all I could think, but… you know what I mean. He and his library are this insane Watcher-like repository of knowledge, gathered over decades (if not more - he probably got a lot of it from whoever was doing

This reference is still one of my favorite quotes in the whole series.

Oh I WISH they would do Quantum Leap! That would be amazing.

Are you seeing this, Zack? You need to hurry up and start the DS9 reviews, before the army you've created gets too restless and starts sacking and pillaging the boards!

@avclub-d70acaef961fb5432b331287c0add155:disqus THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I KEPT YELLING AT HIM TO DO!  Pitch Travis off the building and get out of there, and all your problems are solved.  But he didn't listen.  Nobody on that show ever listens to me.

I'm guessing… not? If the parents and kids were just milling around after the pageant, socializing for a bit before trickling out, maybe the nun wouldn't think anything was strange for Dexter and his son to leave quietly.

I didn't exactly go that far with it, but it definitely crossed my mind to make a smart remark about how they might as well have just had one lion on the Ark, if the alternative is to have two male lions.

Or maybe they're fine with each other and still good friends, and they're happier not being married, but they kind of miss the sex. So they both pushed to have it written in. O:-) Maybe.

I think even Deb would realize that Dexter is waaaaay too good at this, and too calm about it, for this to have been his first time and done out of anger at the threat to his son.  Also then she would have to ask how Travis came to threaten DEXTER'S son out of all the kids in the world, and after what happened to Rita

Must assume that Louis the Intern is also setting up something for next season. The hand Dex hasn't seen yet with the inexplicable palm-reading lines drawn on it (copied from the internet, so it's not like Louis has a secret palm-reading habit), the hero-worshipping/stalker behavior, the creepy lingering stares, the