infinite possibilities

Yes, and I don't think Harrison is quite old enough to be helping himself to Cheerios and replacing the box where it came from.

@avclub-7ffb6ca0ec1a8b7a09680dda07f1495b:disqus Except that what you just described was the end of season five.

"e.g. Dexter stupidly deciding to attack Travis while badly disoriented"

Man, I owe the AV Club an apology. ^_^;;;

Shan't!  I stand by it. =P

Not going to argue. I'm not saying Dexter is the best show on TV, at all, nor am I saying that there aren't some shows on whose worst episodes are better than the average episode of Dexter.  All the shows you listed there are among those that most people agree are the strongest on the air right now.  (Except Louie;

Oh, you all can take your toys and go home. =P Dexter's worst episodes are still at a higher level than an average episode of almost anything else on television.  I still wish they'd pushed Quinn in front of a bus - or serial killer's knife - two years ago, but aside from him, I'm still enjoying pretty much everything

Yeah, Haley was carrying her as the family started to leave for the football field, came back to the table, and left again. She was there!

It did seem a little bad, but I wrote it off as one of Claire's moments where she's suddenly really really determined to be in on the fun.

I like "factlet." I'm going to adopt it.

I did like the scene where Phil sincerely asks Jay for his advice. It's nice to see him respecting Jay's opinion and looking up to him as one adult to another as opposed to desperately seeking his approval. Not that the other isn't funny, but it makes a nice change.

The trouble is that for actors, age isn't what gets you the role. Apparent age is what matters. If this woman legitimately looks twenty-five, she isn't going to get cast as a woman in her forties. But if casting directors see that she's forty, they aren't going to call her in for roles calling for a twenty-five year

I started watching DS9 because of Nicole deBoer.  (Yes, I started with season seven. It was a mite confusing at first.)  A friend of mine pushed me to turn it on because I kind of resembled her, being short and having short hair at the time.  When I went back to watch the previous seasons, I really liked Worf and

TeeFury? ^_^

Fourthed!  My friend's young twin sisters were obsessed with Totoro from about age four to age nine.  (And I'm betting they'll develop a whole different appreciation for it when they rewatch it at age fifteen or so.)

Oh, so many.  So many I could add.  But the one that comes to mind first, which no one has mentioned, is from Bones - Zack Addy.

I was hoping someone would mention Monica!  I really liked her, and her character and powers had a lot of potential.  And then there was the warehouse debacle, and she just… *poof!* Gone.  Micah sort of vanished then too, although at least they sort of came back to him - though that was sort of weird.  But no mention

Legitimate point about the plant life.  I've actually given it several hours of thought since first reading this, so bravo!

Agreed.  Masks was bad but in an entertaining way, and Spiner's embodiment of those other personalities wouldn't even be too irritating (faint praise, I know) if it weren't for the teeth-jarring voice he gave the main one. Sub Rosa just made me feel really really uncomfortable watching it.  I got no enjoyment out of

Okay, so I've been watching these episodes as the reviews have been coming out, and this is the first time I've seen Sub Rosa, so I'm freshly revolted by it.  Even though I was repeatedly warned about how bad it is, I can't even believe it.