
I think the point was not that Lizzie was "essentially driven mad by the harshness and impossibility of a world full of walking corpses". I think Lizzie was a psychopath before all this started. The "Look At The Flowers" was a method of calming her so she didn't go into rages, and it was clearly in place as a

Did Sylvia Prado tell Dexter that after Miguel died she "downsized… focused on the kids"? Um, Sylvia told Rita that she and Miguel didn't have any kids because he always wanted to wait for the right time. Where did these imaginary kids come from? Don't the writers even bother to check what was in the previous seasons?

Please keep reviewing Being Human UK
I love this show! It's my absolute favorite, and I'd love to see more episodes, maybe even the 1st and 2nd season, reviewed.

Terrible episode, top to bottom. Predictable with bad song choices. No redeeming virtues except the comeuppance of Rachel Berry.

I think this also may have a lot to do with Emmy nominations and wins. Shows really want to win as many Emmys as they can (though I don't really know why; nobody watches them anymore).