Right Said Offred

I'm sorry for your loss, E.Buzz.

I'm sorry for your loss, E.Buzz.

I'm re-reading Famous Last Words by Timothy Findlay.

I'm re-reading Famous Last Words by Timothy Findlay.

No more than Stephen King's books make me think he's a psychopath or sadist.

No more than Stephen King's books make me think he's a psychopath or sadist.

I just read Pale Fire the whole way through like a novel, except stopping to read every footnote as it came up. I just loved how they kept getting weirder and more about Kinbote and his strange obsessions.

I just read Pale Fire the whole way through like a novel, except stopping to read every footnote as it came up. I just loved how they kept getting weirder and more about Kinbote and his strange obsessions.

Doctor Zhivago is tits. Also, how do you guys do that thing where your comment is in italics?

Doctor Zhivago is tits. Also, how do you guys do that thing where your comment is in italics?

@Dikachu:disqus Timothy Zahn came up with Glitterstim, not George Lucas. This is one of my many arguments for not using the Thrawn Trilogy novels as the storyline for the new movies. The first book opens with Luke drinking hot chocolate, for Christ's sake!

@Dikachu:disqus Timothy Zahn came up with Glitterstim, not George Lucas. This is one of my many arguments for not using the Thrawn Trilogy novels as the storyline for the new movies. The first book opens with Luke drinking hot chocolate, for Christ's sake!

@avclub-cd3625144831df8821a27bcf76c5e653:disqus  Well to be fair, someone came up with the idea that the use of a unit of distance was on purpose, because a faster ship is really just a ship that navigates a shorter route between point A and point B. Lucas claims it was him, but who knows?

@avclub-cd3625144831df8821a27bcf76c5e653:disqus  Well to be fair, someone came up with the idea that the use of a unit of distance was on purpose, because a faster ship is really just a ship that navigates a shorter route between point A and point B. Lucas claims it was him, but who knows?

Oh man, I remember how blown away I was just seeing Lolita in the school library. I was convinced that some rebellious English teacher had put it there in secret and no one had noticed it yet.

Oh man, I remember how blown away I was just seeing Lolita in the school library. I was convinced that some rebellious English teacher had put it there in secret and no one had noticed it yet.

Well, what I got from it is that the point of the introduction is that the fictional editor is a pompous douchenozzle who is just showing off how smart he is. Once you get to the first chapter, the prose is a lot more effective; it's florid, but the meanings are clearer. I love that about Nabokov.

Well, what I got from it is that the point of the introduction is that the fictional editor is a pompous douchenozzle who is just showing off how smart he is. Once you get to the first chapter, the prose is a lot more effective; it's florid, but the meanings are clearer. I love that about Nabokov.

What really struck me about On Writing was that he's very frank about his strengths and weaknesses. He states several times that he's a very good writer, but not a great writer.

What really struck me about On Writing was that he's very frank about his strengths and weaknesses. He states several times that he's a very good writer, but not a great writer.