Right Said Offred

What's so un-American about one particular extended family having far greater wealth and economic opportunities than any of its members have earned?

Withholding sex to get what you want is a great way to get your partner to sleep with other people.

Ooh, ooh! Can I join?

Congratulations, Dr Dastardly!

@nonvolleyball:disqus Aw, thanks. :)

@avclub-498f2c21688f6451d9f5fd09d53edda7:disqus What it comes down to is that there's a difference between sex and gender, and I would argue that you're using the word "woman" when the correct word is "female". The letter writer's sex is definitely female, but his gender is not that of a woman.

Bolt van der Huge!

I saw that one this weekend with my boyfriend's devoutly Catholic extended family. His cousin likes to show funny things on Youtube and apparently has a high tolerance for awkwardness.

I tried a Tin Whistle Chocolate Cherry Porter last weekend. I was expecting something cloying and ridiculous, but it was actually quite subtle and tasty.

Are they still doing this?

I usually add a few celery leaves to a soup, and it's fine, but this time I threw in a whole head's worth. I think they need to be treated like a strong herb, not a vegetable.

I screwed up a chicken soup by putting celery leaves in the stock.

Last year we were brewing in my sweetie's tiny one-bedroom basement suite (we're in a two-bedroom now). It took up the whole kitchen for a day, but the mess wasn't worse than, say, canning jam. Then we just stuck the primary fermenter in the closet.

That sounds amazing.

I had a Phillips Longboat Chocolate Porter, and a Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. The Porter was nice and velvety with a bit of sweetness. The stout was just yummy. I had a hard time believing you could get all those flavours from roasted barley alone, but I'm a little new at this whole beer thing.

Hmm… if this guy had a Muslim boss who was talking about the same thing, would he report him to the Feds?

But Jim Parsons has said that he draws upon research he did on Asperger's when he plays the character. So even if the writers didn't intend it, I think it's still there.

Maybe they have a self-depricating sense of humour?

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus That and being less shitty than Two Broke Girls. :)

Meh, I just watch it because I have basic cable and it's on while I cook dinner. And honestly, the actors can be very funny when they're given good material.