
Did anyone else feel the need to go back a few weeks and rewatch Lane punching Pete in the face?

Did anyone else feel the need to go back a few weeks and rewatch Lane punching Pete in the face?

The moment you know this show was being written by British comedy hyper-purists? When they put the name Max Geldray in there.

The moment you know this show was being written by British comedy hyper-purists? When they put the name Max Geldray in there.

Agreed, her line delivery last night, especially the one about dark country roads and scarecrows coming to life was just pure gold. She's the veteran of Armando's particular process, and it shows. Matt Walsh is probably the most veteran improv guy on the show, but Anna's just done THIS before. Her character is

Yeah. Iannucci has said the VP he based this on the closest was LBJ,  whose memoirs on the subject are fairly detailed. It's a little reminiscent of the old days, when Hubert Humphrey or Spiro Agnew were kept as far from power as was humanly possible.  The VP's position is very much a variable. Some had very involved

I will Probably Forget, no, Doctor Who beats it by about 3 years for a start. They turned up to sing Ticket to Ride. (Not that Fallout isn't a MASSIVELY better use. But it wasn't first, and that's not counting them just.. appearing on TV, which they did a lot.)

Ms. Adequate, when you vote for a Hugo, you list your choices in order, you don't just pick one. Then the lowest nominee is eliminated and those voter's second choice gets their votes, and so on. The winner is chosen from the last two standing, (or the one that has a 50% +1 share of the votes and can't be caught), so

Problem is our friend the IMPARTIAL Newswire reporter doesn't know how the Hugo voting works. It's a shrinking ballot, meaning that the Doctor Who nominees can't split the vote when the lowest vote tally gets eliminated each ballot. Sorry, Community.

So, Steve Hamilton Shaw is the person I specifically need to repeatedly hack to death with a poleaxe to make the world better? Thanks, A.V. Club, that's good to know.

I do love the way that almost everything in the show still spirals out of the pilot. 30+ episodes later we still get people mentioning Tommy Bucks,Boyd being shot, Gary being hilariously traumatized and many other details.

Hey, after how often Dickie hit her, she was happy for any positive attention.

Yes, but really, this film is doomed to comedic stagnancy and forgotten reputation almost before it's released. And in the long run, this, I think, has to be blamed on Ice Cream Eyes.

When they were filming in Baltimore, Mr. Capaldi was spotted. He's also a director, so it could be Malcolm appears, or Capaldi may have directed an episode. But he's involved in some way.

One big thing is Peter Capaldi is in a West End play until sometime in April. So they're filming once that's done.

There are only two people in the White Stripes.

OK, SarCCastro. New series of Thick of It starts filming in a couple months. Capaldi is booked up in a West End play, It's running till mid-April. So they will be filming when that's done. There have been multiple assurances that it will have hit the air by year's end.

Everyone cries when they're stabbed. There's no shame in that.

The thing about the last three episodes of I, Claudius is that first, most of the powerhouse actors are gone, (aside from that one amazing scene where he dreams them), and the other is that.. they took 10 hours to adapt the first book and 3 to adapt the second. It's sorta… rushed.

Let's See.