
Ghost Light. Great as Fenric is, Ghost Light's just got that utterly perfect stretch of dialogue that lasts about an hour. "Let me guess. My theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters, and you don't like my tie."

Also, the age of consent in Rhode Island is 16. So there's the fact that the whole episode is based on.. what, someone not checking their facts at all?

No, sorry. The best Armando Iannucci series, is, well, The Thick of It. It would be the best WITHOUT Malcolm in it. It's that good.

Okay. Dark Passengers, 101. This is the name Dexter gives to his personified urge to kill, it first got referred to in the AA stuff in season 2, but it grew to include all bad thoughts as the writers got worse. The TERM comes from the novels, where Jeff Lindsay uses it as the terms under which Dexter addresses his

What a load of Sloblock, they might say.

Ferguson's an interesting choice. He'd come across as surprised by every other fact is my worry, but there's no denying his wit's fast enough.

Too damn right, Hef. Great call. One of my favorite B:TAS episodes and the best performance as Jonah we've ever been treated to,

They also missed out on Guyball, that one's fairly glaring.  But what know you of Eight Men Down?

You clever devils are deliberately playing like amateurs to lull me into a false sense of security. And yet you can't fool me, I'm going with the longest escalator in Western Europe. Angel. 

Yes, but over and over again during this they need to cut away to Doug, defeatedly reading a book on the front stoop. 

It aired in Children in Need. That ALWAYS has vast ratings in the UK.

It's Lore belting into "Abdul Abulbul Amir", I should hope.

The implications,  though not an official date, are that it's going in the BBC's main drama slot for January, the same time Zen was in last year. Meaning we'll PROBABLY get the first episode around New Year's.

Sorry, Clive Merrison was just being better than Brett in every way, I couldn't hear what you said.

Going down a big ol' toilet?
Seriously, they've not implied the scheduling for the next series in England at all, only that the cast are all quitting in droves, which for me doesn't imply positives.

Actually, by that point there may be 9, there is supposed to be one at Christmas. Also, who cares. More Sherlock! SHINY SHINY!

Thing is.. Top Gear he's pretty lovable. But his newspaper columns… Clarkson comes off as kind of a tool in those. A lot. But it's ok. He once punched Piers Morgan. Like Chuck Zito. He's probably mentally ill, and a dick. But he beat the hell out of Jean-Claude Van Damme once? So I'd feel obligated to buy him a drink.

It's not kind to mock the weak. Mentally, that is.

It's a wonderful truth that I can't think of ANY other ending to the sentence "Jeremy Clarkson repeatedly punched…" that I'm 100% sure the world's populace would take Clarkson's side on.   That it HAPPENED means I can never really hate Clarkson. Not at all.

To make that joke, there's a queue, I think.