
Seek IMMEDIATE medical help. Having a different opinion from me has been known to cause side-effects. 

Arguably, though The Misfits and Clash By Night are both fairly strong. The problem isn't those, it's films in which Monroe had a memorable presence but not a starring role. You'd have to be out of your mind to claim Some Like It Hot is better than either The Asphalt Jungle or All About Eve. 

This is the second thread I've been involved in here in 48 hours where Tales of the Unexpected came up… 

And he wanted to give her equal credit for it, but wasn't allowed to by union rules. And fans have essentially rectified that omission nicely. Grainer's whole catalog is pretty impressive, Danger Man, Steptoe and Son, Maigret and Tales of the Unexpected are all really inventive, really inspired themes. The Maigret

Both the best episodes of AHP were based on Dahl stories, Man from the South and Lamb to the Slaughter. 

Yeah.. Kennedy is so toxically unpleasant as a character from her first appearance, so contrived to fill a spot rather than developed… My wife and I refer to that sex scene as "Why Would anyone want to do that with Mitchell, Joel?"

Both by the same guy… And he was an Australian too.

Now to be FAIR, they said "The Best Movie She Ever Made". And that's STILL not right, what with All About Eve, The Asphalt Jungle and The Misfits running around.

The thing is, it ISN"T that. Several of the QL episodes with the most publicized music problems on the DVDs are there on Netflix. With the correct music intact. (M.I.A. is probably the most famous, but there are several others where the DVDs tried to replace a prominent piece of music and just fail outright.) What ARE

Loving Blink is all well and good, but it doesn't belong on this list. Doctor Who IS quite a scary TV show by the standards we're talking here. In that it regularly makes the effort to frighten. How their standards lapse to forgetting the title of the list here without having the murder-spree episode of The Facts of

It's a mixture of cutting edge assistance software and a full-time assistant.

In point of simple fact? The series took a LONG hiatus while he started Fire and Ice, and when it came back full time, a few years ago, his work has been mainly editorial and plotting, and he hasn't done THAT alone. He's only WRITTEN one story in the last 6 books, so it hasn't been the big drain you're fearing it is. 

You know, EVERYONE who quits, quits on the 4th book. Because it's TERRIBLE. It went on for another 17 books, and I'll say it clearly. Four is BY A MILE the worst one. Book 5? Great. 6? Brilliant, maybe the best of the series. Book 4 stopped a LOT of people dead.

It's NOT a conventional Alzheimer's diagnosis, it's a posterior cortical artophy, which will affect his fine motor control and eyesight before progressing to conventional Alzheimer's. He may still have several years of writing in him. There's a BBC documentary he did which may well clarify his condition for you.

Small Gods
Witches Abroad

So it will be set in Toronto?

Can we please, please, just assume that whenever someone brings up The Wicker Man, they are referring to the good one and NOT the dung heap in the corner of the Cage? Please?

Actually, the irony is it did. People bombarded the publishers, even petitioned their congressmen in the belief that Jackson was writing about something that was really going on. There was mass outrage about something wholly allegorical. And that's why America sells a lot of safety scissors.

This is all leaving out works that started whole revolutions, though. Petals of Blood,  Noli Me Tangere, ALL the works from 19th century nationalist movements like the Kalevala, Wagner, Grimm's Fairy Tales, the plays of Ibsen, etc. And how Dickens and Wilkie Collins made genuine social and legal change happen through

It doesn't have to be LITERAL to effect social change, you know. No wonder SCDP didn't take you with them. (By that standard, The Wicker Man must have started the sacrifices up again, though.)