
Oxford and Cambridge began to be forced to change their admittance procedures, actually. (That said, it's one of the shakier ones I listed, but still had an effect. It's MAIN legal effect was to start a massive public outcry in England about incest.)

The problem with this one is that, well… there are SWARMS of them? Nana, The Water Babies, Les Miserables, Jude The Obscure, I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang, To Kill A Mockingbird, I Am Curious Yellow, The Snake Pit, M, The Lottery, The Life And Death of Colonel Blimp… This list could include hundreds of poems,

Wait, seriously? You… couldn't tell I was agreeing with you? Ok…

House WOULD have been my top pick, but Legend of Hell House always beats it. Roddy McDowell is just so terrific in it. So many, crappier movies would have his character know more than he's telling.  This movie? He's telling EVERYTHING he knows, from the start, and begging everyone else to save their own lives because

You know, I love these "Who Was The Best Batman Apart From The Obvious Correct Answer By A Ludicrous, Pathetic Margin" threads. Leaving out all his other plays, The Two Noble Kinsmen is Shakespeare's best play. And of course, if you ask about just George W. Bush and James Buchanan, who was the best US President ever?

Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it? He's an unpleasant, fun to mock hack all over the damn place… SO easy to hold in contempt… And then you see Edge of Darkness. And damn.

One development I remember really liking, is the idea that.. if you go back to the idea that the series is about them trying to save lost souls, (long since forgotten), this episode makes really clear they actually did save Darla's soul, but that the regular crew will never ever know. Which struck me as elegantly done.

You know, considering that he never did anything illegal, and we are, for most things taking his bitterly crazy ex's word for EVERYTHING.. we all of us, when we think of WOODY ALLEN now associate him with the sexual appetite of a stallion. I think he's probably a marketing GENIUS.

I'd say other shows have had this happen too. Oz is one that bolts to mind. Once Said and Adebesi went into the cell and fought to the death, nothing that happened afterwards was as focused or worthwhile. Ditto House. Once Cutthroat Bitch died, it was all downhill. Hey, these are all at the end of Season 4, too. 

You say this as a joke? But it's a damned good idea. Two shows, same setting, both with VO narration. And as a cliffhanger, Michael strapped down wrapped in plastic sheeting.  Make it like an old school Marvel crossover, but unlike Burn Notice it would be fairly sincerely grim, and unlike Dexter, the supporting cart