The Quirky Best Friend

Hey, aren't you the gal that pioneered button classic?

"You don't know what it's like to be cam-er-a"
The camera work during the Step Up choreography was horrible tonight. Actually, it was horrible throughout the entire show. I've been pretty forgiving up to this point, but it was nauseating tonight.

With you on that. Doesn't look like there's a "conservative girl falls for guy from the street" storyline this time. Thank God. I'd much rather fall for 3D.

Cat, Cat, Cat
I know Cat was supposed to be all sexy snakelike tonight, but the snake looked more like a semi-truck tread.

Argh. Double post. Sorry for this obnoxiousness.

Star Wars = Not For Lovers
Han and Leia. They're the kind of couple that you wouldn't want at your dinner party.

Star Wars = Not For Lovers
Han and Leia. They're the kind of couple that you wouldn't want at your dinner party.

Do you like grape jelly?
"Nobody like grape jelly."

The part that had me in chills and tears was Coach talking to Smash right before he started his audition at Texas A&M, reminding him about the second half of the game against Rutledge — Smash's face conveyed how much was at stake, and Coach T. reigned it in and focused it. There could have been a moment when Smash

Maybe less that the kid is a freak and has a freak father and personal coach. It's like "Toddlers and Tiaras," except in football.

The vice principal (who hates Tyra) told her she was going to a junior college and treated it like it was a dirty, shameful thing. So it's no wonder that she doesn't want to attend junior college.

And while not as fun as "Triangle," "Checkpoint" is fun, too, particularly b/c of [SPOILER] the Scoobies' interviews w/ the council members.

Poor Alexie
Is there some sort of Asian chick curse on SYTYCD? I'm trying to remember any who didn't get axed in the first few rounds.

Shades of the Hidden Valley Ranch lady, too.

Robin is Right.
Lately, whenever the writers pen an episode that's supposed to be "important" re: Ted and his quest for love, it just doesn't work for me. It screams, "Hey, boys and girls, check out this very important lesson Ted learned about love today…"

You never fire crazy.

I wish Judy Greer was the mother. She'd up everyone's game, which frankly, after this pointless episode, seems badly needed.