Fey can do a plausible Philly, having grown up in Upper Darby, which borders Philly. But yeah…
Fey can do a plausible Philly, having grown up in Upper Darby, which borders Philly. But yeah…
Yeah, I've was in and around my fair share of "locker room talk" in my wayward youth, and there's a bright line between variants of "She's hot" or "Would", which, yes, most men have said at least once, and talking about how great sexual assault is.
Eyeballing it, about half of the people on that list are in blue or swing states. And a good number of the others were clearly never comfortable with Trump but lacked the moral conviction to speak out until they had suitable cover.
How dare you besmirch the good name of jorts thusly!
Note, by the way, that this is from March: https://twitter.com/natesil…
The Twenty Thirteen Tour, supporting Hesitation Marks with GY!BE opening, seriously feels like it happened in a different lifetime.
Username/comment synergy
My favorite Liz Phair song. Was kind of surprised it wasn't included.
Cillian Murphy saying "The Batman" is one of my favorite things about the Nolan movies.
Are you even allowed to become a modern dictator if you don't like Brutalism?
Oh, I agree completely. I'm mid-postdoc right now so I'm arguably well on my way to becoming part of the problem.
But… and I say this as a flaming liberal… many college campuses really do have prominent populations of "progressives" who think that safe spaces and trigger warnings exist to protect them from controversial ideas. I want it to be a straw man, but it isn't. I've spent the last 4+ years in college towns, and… those…
Hey now, some of us like the Ramones and 70s prog.
Geography degrees in the hizzouse!
I mean, I sort of feel like Hillary reacted the way she should have reacted in the first place about the emails. I made a mistake, I'm not going to make excuses for it, and I wouldn't do it that way again.
My favorite was discovering Popeyes in Turkey, which just seems far too culturally specific to export, yet there it was.
I like your Asimov quote better, but de Tocqueville is on point about some things:
I said to somebody earlier today that prior to this election, I thought I was a pessimist, but if a pessimist can't be disappointed, then I guess I wasn't.
Ahm sorry, ah thought you was cawn
I didn't even go to a particularly good high school as far as the way rankings calculate these things, but I actually feel like I got quite a good education in history. I think maybe AP History courses need wider implementation.