
Yeah, plus those castles aren't nearby at all. Winterfell is in the centre of an area the size of Russia, the various major keeps are hundreds of miles apart. The lords are pretty self sufficient, I don't recall any mention of Starks visiting the other Northern lords at their homes in any of the books. For the harvest

I'm pretty sure that in the book, Melisandre burns one leech filled with Stannis' blood for each rebel king she's trying to kill. The three rebel kings are Balon, Robb and Joffrey, at this point they're not aware of Mance's existence yet. So the fetuses could very well take the place of the leeches since they're

You must miss Vikings as much as I do.

Whelan will be making an appearance this season, though. Looks like they're keeping her on.

I thought Roose was all about the hippocras, but it worked here

He smiles too much though, and it's too bad because Michael McElhatton could have totally sold it if he had been directed differently.


In the Huff Post interview he said there are at least two recorded cases of monks being brought back to Scandinavia by the Vikings. One of them somehow returned and he was condemned and executed as a heretic.


Yeah, not sure what they did with the stash.

Does he have the Chorley accent?

Does he have the Chorley accent?

Well, it's a blurry photo. Portia looks exactly the same, actually

Yup, they recast him.

He has a point, if Todd want us to to mark all spoilers beyond book 3 he should practice what he preaches

You don't need to mark Red Wedding spoilers, this comments section is for people who have read aSoS.

Yeah, he only just showed up. I liked what he did with the part.

How has Martin managed to keep her arc on the backburner? Poorly, according to many readers. Basically, she will keep conquering Essosi cities like she did in today's episode, and she'll stay there for longer than most readers would have liked and viewers will like.

Has AD done any amnesia episodes before? It sure sounds like a plot they would've used a dozen times already but my memory is hazy.

I thought so too!