
My Wayne's World hat begs to differ.

My Wayne's World hat begs to differ.

Let them end their second act gracefully.

Let them end their second act gracefully.

Wow, this is probably just a phase, but Lupine Urology is currently my favourite episode. This is weird. I mean, I know Chaos Theory is the very best episode bar none, but rewatching Urology is just pure joy.

Have a can of fortified French wine. After all, sweet liquour eases the pain.

Is that true?

Well, what does he know?! He's just @avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus's dumb gay dad!

I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored.

Then again, it gave us Leap Day William.

I wasn't sure about that first episode, but the two that came after were pretty great.

Did anyone witness the magical moment the post count went 111,111?

Kennedy said the same thing, though. At least that's what I read

I sure do

Do you have one though?

How is Always Sunny not the top pick?

How is Always Sunny not the top pick?

What were you responding to?