
You were this close, Melted Kojak!

Can anyone come up with a cool (5x) new username for me?

Please speak for yourself

Gotta say, 02:09 has earned a special place in my heart.

Because I suck at thinking up snarky names, and going with a random Community name would get old too. Googling my name shouldn't yield any results and I won't get sick of it, probably.

Thank you.

Guys, frankly I am sick and tired of the DrAwesome handle. I am toying with the idea of just emailing support and have them change it into my actual name which I'm sure is available. Would this change be too perturbing for my fellow Communitards? You guys can veto this.

Link, Stevie?

It's not a bad look.

Kind of looks like she's wearing a tie in the one on the right.

Oh, nice! Thankee.


Oh, Hulu… Cool…

Wine doesn't count as booze, SBT. "Go nuts!"

He's ill, and he can't be killed.

Well, yeah, but does Gergoski sound like Gingrich to you? To me it felt close to "Gergich".

"Don't tell, show."

No… It's "Jerry Gergich". It's close to that, not Gingrich.

Just realised my last name is uncomfortably similar to Jerry's (P&R).