
North-Americans… "freaky tall" at 6'2.

Why, it inspired me to power through the books. I'm coming prepared. Oh man I'm happy both GoT and Community are returning soon, and overlapping!


What about the guy behind Annie?

This is MUCH more coherent and concise than what I was working on; I was probably aiming a bit too high with the analysis and we'd be at 120 right now had I had the sense to go for something like this.


FIVE WEEKS until new Game of Thrones!!!

Well… no. I did say Loki would beat me to it if he got started now. Perhaps I should give up and get started on my 2x13 review, which I just might get done by the time summer comes around.

I do like the sweater.

I maintain that Pavel said "blo".

"Darn", Janine? Where are you from, Corpus Christi?

I was hoping the phrase "righteous bucks" would be involved in the episode with the dead body.

Eww, sports.

Ah, yes, Game of Thrones. They're telling human stories in a fantasy world.

I'm here! I'm currently in the process of turning 5.600 words into 350. (Not even talking about my review, it's a summary)

The link doesn't work…

You're the worst. It's "Pizza, pizza, go in tummy, me so hungee, me so hungee."

You particularly like that she's petite? Honestly, if I had to change one thing about Brie (not saying that I want to) I'd add half a foot to her height…

Yup, gotta give 'em that. Looks like a more edgy attempt at the standard "secretly-hosted teen party goes awry" movie… is it rated 18+?

"I was like, nineteen!"