Lionel McClure

I'm giving this an A- based on "Get out skeleton man!" alone.

Agreed 100%. This is the first change that has upset me thus far. They better figure this out, or else I will… continue watching and enjoying the show. But I'll be moderately annoyed!

You didn't ruin anything for me, but don't forget your SPOILERS tag, man.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus : @avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus is correct. There's no mystery there.

The implication is that he stole Ray's for sure. Less clear on Tanya's.

This is certainly its best season so far - Ronnie and the twins are virtually non-existent, which is a huge plus - but giving up on it isn't exactly a mistake. It's still Hung. That said - and it say this with no judgment whatsoever - you probably watch worse stuff. It's been pretty decent all things considered.

I'm not the least bit convinced Chalky isn't literate. I just think he had the other guy read because Chalky is too important to read to the group.

Please stop referring to braids as cornrows. Cornrows attach to the scalp all the way around. They don't swing loose.

Totally worth the 12 hours. And really, it's more like 10 hours. Just spend the entire time drinking whiskey as an ode to the times of the show. It'll be grand.

Really? Because I think an incredibly devoted, incredibly racist and incredibly stupid Italian from Philly in 1920 would absolutely lose his cool when witnessing one of his brothers get shot. The Dalessios have proved thus far that rational thinking is not their specialty.

Typo alert - Nucky says that's "not who I am", not Eli
And I think " I wasn't going to, but you kinda talked me into it." from last week deserves consideration for line of the series, though it requires a bit more context.

Nerd alert:

Eric specifically said he was older than she is. Also, Russel is "nearly" 3,000 years old, and I'm pretty sure Crystal is a werewolf, as evidenced by her being "so warm" according to Jason, though I wouldn't be surprised if she's something else entirely that is not as of yet introduced.

Bill was the procurer, not Eric…
And Six Feet Under was never ruined. As much as I enjoy True Blood, it will never be as good as Six Feet Under.

By "bad" you mean, "one of the best episodes they've ever done", right? If you didn't get it because you haven't seen the movies it parodies, so be it. But "The find Raiser" was brilliant.

Only a "B"? This was unquestionably a top 5 episode all time. And no specific references? My goodness man, you need to step your crime movie game up. The montage about incorporating everyone, and making money hand over fist, where everyone ends up kicking back to you, is straight out of Goodfellas. Cindy's rant

The cartoon is unquestionably hilarious and brilliant.. The only arguing you would be doing with wrong people is in a mirror.