
Suffering fools, lightly
I'm a fan of Dawkins, but I can't imagine why he doesn't call Maher on his anti-vaccination bullshit after Maher received the Dawkins award.

Oops. How'd that come get in my post? Hi-o!

Any germs in urine come are picked up from the skin when the urine exits the body, Nipples. Unless you have some new physiological data, in which case please, enlighten us.

Apropos of nothing, piss is also sterile. If it weren't, we would all be walking around with nasty infections and inflamed pee-holes.


Begging the question =/= raising the question
That's twice in two days, AV Club. You're on notice.

They already did the "switching roles" conceit last season. Dee ate cat food. It was great.

The excitement of the crew when they get the footage of the snow leopard hunting may be my favorite part of that series.

I'll have it however Herzog ate his shoe.

Cenac, Mandvi, Wilmore, and Bee all write for the Daily Show. You really have a bug up your ass today, VC.

ZMF representin' on the Tribune article comments

CK: Just ask Bob Griese

Kevin is the shit. I'm also impressed that Jen has weathered the initial casting of "bitch" that it seemed like Bravo may have been going for.

Maura Tierney is goddamn beautiful. I hope whatever is ailing her gets cleared up so I can continue to pine for her in these, her August years.

I always thought it was "…and I began to pray" until I recently learned that it was PRETEND to pray.

I see where you're coming from. They definitely compose songs that are often of a distinct genre, but it's never from a space of mockery or parody. I think they're just super talented and are showcasing their ability to dabble in any musical type.

The new Dethalbum is excellent for the gym

How is "It's Going to be a Long Night" a parody? Especially of Ace of Spades?

There, there Nathan
We still love you.

I honestly don't care about this argument one way or t'other, but I figured I would point out that Smack is, indeed, a female.