
They're really sockin' it to this Spiro Agnew guy again! He must work there or something.

@ Fread Garvin

Sounds like a scene from my follow-up trilogy, 50 Shades of Brown.

If he watches "Requiem for a Dream" first then goes right into this, it'll seem like whimsical fun.

It's sad that it's reached the point where if I hear The Simpsons is doing a parody or homage to something I actually like, I wince to think of those hacks touching something I care about.

That calls for the classic McSweeney's dissection of "Back From Yet Another Globetrotting Adventure, Indiana Jones Checks His Mail And Discovers That His Bid For Tenure Has Been Denied."

@avclub-90c88bf435e7bdafcb26109a12313c7d:disqus So I guess in the remake they will be North Korean Communist Nazi Socialist Atheist Muslims?

They'll have to swap the color pallet soon. Maybe a film about the first white person to get an outrageously long prison sentence for possession of a tiny amount of crack cocaine?

I was just disappointed that Rabin didn't answer it's question with a hearty, "Aww hell naw."

That's probably true, but only because you and Rabin missed all the subtext. The cat is clearly a Christ figure as demonstrated by the fact that the magic collar in the last clip is a purr-fect cat-sized crown of thorns, with the casting of Roberts as the overarching symbol of Jesus' humiliating death and glorious

Yeah, I kept wondering how much of an alcoholic he possibly could have been at 17, given that he doesn't look that old now I can't imagine he was walking into any place he wanted 10 years ago and getting served. The whole thing struck me like one of those fundamentalist or Mormon teenagers who drinks a couple of beers

Which is especially odd given that that Australian parliament consists entirely of drunken, shirtless men wearing jean-jackets with the arms cut off, calling each other cunts.

Neelix was worse than Hitler…probably….

I would have been fine with it being a totally artificial, contrived, random development if they had revealed at the very end that Matthew had been possessed by Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap the whole time.

Yeah, it's really annoying, and, thus, FX assures that I will never actually watch it when it airs since I'm always a week behind after missing the first episode.

I too was very limp at its conclusion.

No good episodes run in my area b/c the station that has it for syndication refuses to air any episodes that are older than 4 or 5 years. It's hellish.

It was all worth it for the subtle reveal at the end when they showed Phil's calling card said, "Sir Philip Phillips, D.D.S."

At the point when the bitchy interviewer was telling her assistant how to make her tea, Marnie really should have stood up with a, "I think we're done here."

I don't really understand why it would be so hard to bring it up with Grantham. I'm pretty sure he probably knows, given that just last week he was about to get kicked the fuck out of his ancestral home but he was so incredibly fucking bad at managing his money. If he's so incredibly stupid that he doesn't realize he