
Furthermore…Yes, I didn't care for RTD's treatment of the Doctor/Rose thing (wasn't onboard with that "romance"), and I thought his finales were a tad convoluted, but so was this…a bit, that is. And I'm sure there is plenty of other stuff that I'm missing too. But Moffat also has his "tawdry quirks" For one, he

On Moffat hating RTD
Okay am not sure of that but there is certainly some evidence that points to it. Let me preface what I am about to say with a couple of things - I agree with many that Moffat has written some of the best NuWho episodes out there and that some of RTD writing habits were getting a little annoying.

Great googily, Lovecraft…I never thought of that Bill and Ted phone booth thing before. I think you're right. Also, don't agree with Ten not showing a lot of soul - he gave a damn fine Doctor speech when he needed to and wore his sadness on his sleeve when called for. Think Smith is doing excellent work but 10

Even though the show is leading us to believe that Shaw is alive, I really hope he isn't. It would totally lower the stakes of Chuck choosing to shoot him to save Sarah. My theory is that Chuck is dreaming that he is alive because he wants him to be - now hear me out - so that he could believe that there's some

Loved Yvonne in this episode. A happy, gleeful Sarah is something that is not only rare but also very much wanted. More please.

Ha…heh, heh.

Griffey seems rather negative…to address some points…

Ali Adler and a great episode
Ali Adler, the writer of this ep, is still my favorite. She also wrote "Truth" and "Cougars." For one this, I think she writes the Ellie and "Sarah" characters best and I just thought this episode was a lot of fun. Lesters, "I am so lonely" was hilarious!

It's a show about a life guard who is drunk on his own power and has a tanning fetish.

I liked this movie/
Man, "this sucks" "Vince Vaughn sucks" whatever. Something is either "Awesome!" or "Sucks!" I thought this movie was great. No, it was no Swingers but Swingers was an entirely different type of movie, Swingers was 14 years ago. I know that opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got them but

I think Grey Man has a sad need to rant about Yanks. Earlier he mentions their obsession with wish fulfillment…because POME's never do that. (Cough) Harry Potter.

Yeah, I also thought the Simpsons was the strongest of the four tonight by a pretty good margin. Liked so much in the episode but was pleasantly surprised by the Simpson movie call-back. Cleveland and Family guy were okay. American Dad seemed really off to me.

Obligatory pop culture reference thread
When Chuck looks at the vases, in the scene reminiscent of Indiana Jones…he says something…"one of these things are not like the others…" Is it too far of a stretch to say it might be from that old Sesame Street song? "One of these things are not like the others, one of these