
Start with the album Sound of Silver. It's a lot of people's favorites.

I was there for the LCD final show. Flew up to New York from Austin. I didn't really get too into them either until I graduated high school, right around the time This Is Happening came out. I felt like I had discovered this whole new world of music, and  as I went to college freshman year and searching for somewhere

Thanks, I'm sure they'll talk about that more in later episodes. Hopefully they can bring Ray Wise back too I loved him last season as Ken's father-in-law

I noticed there was a reference to Dow in the episode. Was it implied that SDCP had gotten the account? I wasn't sure. This would make Ken's role in the company a lot bigger right?

I love that Alex is the only person smiling in this picture

Ask if this is the last we'll see of Loretta

ONE MORE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm not sure that Parenthood existed before Dawes were featured on it