Haiku O Clock

Shit's gettin' real, dawg!
Intensity levels: Peaked.
Awwwww shiiiiii-eeeeeee-yyiiiiiiittttt-uh.

They all live or die.
Except for Walter Junior,
Who chokes on breakfast.

Why yell at the sky?
There's a Magic City there.
Oh, wait. Nevermind.

Hello Heisenberg!
Whose territory is this?
I hear no knocking.

These both deserve As.
As does most of season two.
… Paul Lieberstein, WHY?!

Maybe this could work!
A cinematic landmark…
Like Chicken-zen Kane.

Hey, struggling writers.
Got a unique idea?
Fuck you, here's Spidey!

The sequels begin.
Soon there'll be sharks everywhere,
Eating a dead horse.

Mankind once had hope.
We walked on the fucking moon!
And now, there's Chuck Lorre.

With this episode,
The show's fanbase will triple.
But only in Japan.

Nick's a great Axe Cop.
He was Ron fucking Swanson!
And now he's in space.

Walter's surely doomed.
And his empire must crumble.
Let's all have some meth.