Wing Attack Plan R

No no! It is an attempt to cleverly get a sorta-B in there:

Done that (on one side, at least). It's one of the advantages of driving a subcompact.

"War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."
Therefore, if you want war to be over, you have to make it as nasty and brutal as possible. The song would have been much more interesting had that been its thesis.

This just shows that reviewers will need to binge-watch all prior episodes before viewing the broadcast of the new one in order to make sure they remember all the tiny details seen before. If they start at 7 AM on Saturday, they would have all 38 hours done by 9 PM on Sunday.

Amazing! A "True Detective" reference made years before it was filmed and broadcast!

If only they could get Ricardo Montalban to play Hank while reciting those lines while setting the Genesis device to detonate near Walt.

I think it's more accurate to say that next week heralds the arrival of New Kosh, who proves to be so unpopular that he is kicked aside by Kosh Classic.

Actually, Neil was one of non-rich ones, growing up a middle-class Liverpudlian, the only one other than Peter who was not at either end of the class system.  I don't remember much being said about his family at all, especially after he reached adulthood, so I don't know how much familial help he really had.  Bruce

That was only after he discovered that Robert was dead.

We are all interested in FutureCorp, for that is where you and I will work for the rest of our lives!

I thought of getting NVLNSNM once, but I never followed through.

Artichokes snow effeminately on the mountains of Gatineau.

Artichokes snow effeminately on the mountains of Gatineau.

It appears to be March 8, the night of scampering.

It appears to be March 8, the night of scampering.

JMS reported that on his Facebook page.  Seems O'Hare had a heart attack on September 23rd, went into a coma, and then died on September 28th when it was clear he was in a permanent vegetative state.  RIP.

JMS reported that on his Facebook page.  Seems O'Hare had a heart attack on September 23rd, went into a coma, and then died on September 28th when it was clear he was in a permanent vegetative state.  RIP.

A friend convinced me to watch Babylon 5 when TNT began stripping the show during the week, and during the early episodes, nothing really stuck out to me.  It was just a sci-fi show with a wooden lead.  But, as the fist season episodes rolled past, Sinclair grew on me some, but it still wasn't especially compelling. 

A friend convinced me to watch Babylon 5 when TNT began stripping the show during the week, and during the early episodes, nothing really stuck out to me.  It was just a sci-fi show with a wooden lead.  But, as the fist season episodes rolled past, Sinclair grew on me some, but it still wasn't especially compelling. 

Remember: you cannot change the past as it has already happened.