
I was really surprised to learn that in my state, the 4th biggest contributor to state political campaigns were the alcohol distributors. I agree, the distribution and shelf space issue will harm the independents.

For the sake of fairness, remember that Bernie also said economic growth would pay for his spending increases. But instead of hoping for 3% growth, he was expecting 5.3% growth (caused by unicorns and such).

Actually, a lot of the research points to disadvantaged students losing a lot of ground over the summer breaks.  I think it worked out to be that each summer break regressed the students 6 months.  One of the more cost effective uses of money would be to go year round, with short breaks, but that would also be

At least the 4 hour director's cut will explore the deeper themes and salvage the film, just like it did with Dune.

At least the 4 hour director's cut will explore the deeper themes and salvage the film, just like it did with Dune.

I've heard that line many times now, and it always surprises me.  I keep expecting some nondescript cliche.  And then, just as good, Dan lays it down quietly and walks away, which oddly seems more reassuring.

I've heard that line many times now, and it always surprises me.  I keep expecting some nondescript cliche.  And then, just as good, Dan lays it down quietly and walks away, which oddly seems more reassuring.

I want Captain Tightpants in charge of me.

I want Captain Tightpants in charge of me.

And two movies!

And two movies!

There's such a theme change in Firefly
(in what was the first season, at least) versus the typical Whedon show.
 The others focus on the noble hero(s) faced with some great responsibility
or cause.  Firefly goes the other way,
and has the “heroes” broken by their former heroic tasks and
responsibility.  There’s nothing

There's such a theme change in Firefly
(in what was the first season, at least) versus the typical Whedon show.
 The others focus on the noble hero(s) faced with some great responsibility
or cause.  Firefly goes the other way,
and has the “heroes” broken by their former heroic tasks and
responsibility.  There’s nothing