Idiot Control Now

I understood this reference.

Agreeing with many commenters here that A: Logan was the least bad of Rory's terrible boyfriends, and B: Paris is the one who Rory should have ended up with.

Agreed that the double standard is bullshit, but Lane is one of my favorite parts of the movie; specifically the scene where's she's talking to a freaked-out little Clark through the door.


That was TIME. People continues to be completely worthless.

Is he, though? There's nothing in this review about his performance, which seems odd, since he's presumably the center of the show.

Her? Is she funny or something?

"But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs in the community!"

Upvoted for both sentiment and avatar choice.

At this rate none of us are going to be alive to see 2017.

usually through a no-brainer pairing, there are two Christine Chubbuck films here at Sundance this year

Arrgh where the fuck is Hannibal Season Three?

This seems to be a minority opinion, but I'm with William. I just started watching BB a few months ago and binged the first three seasons. I love the show, but I cannot stand Linda, at all.

I disagree about Falsone, and strongly disagree about Luther Mahoney, but I'm upvoting you just for bringing up Homicide. That show never got enough love at the time and was subsequently overshadowed by The Wire (which I also love.)

You philistine, why can't you appreciate Wit Tartare?

"That's not a real thing, asshole!"

That's it, I'm calling a do-over on 2016.

You may have significant brain trauma