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    Watership Down was certainly first published as a kids' book since it was published in paperback by Puffin and most of the original reviews treat it as a children's book.  I read it when it first came out in the early 70s when I was about 10.  I don't deny that adults can read it for profit just as they can read any

    Watership Down was certainly first published as a kids' book since it was published in paperback by Puffin and most of the original reviews treat it as a children's book.  I read it when it first came out in the early 70s when I was about 10.  I don't deny that adults can read it for profit just as they can read any

    Jesus- I read your post and thought you said William Shatner!  I was beginning to get really worried about your mental state.

    Jesus- I read your post and thought you said William Shatner!  I was beginning to get really worried about your mental state.

    27 years of marriage presumably makes them Sonic Late Middle Age

    27 years of marriage presumably makes them Sonic Late Middle Age

    The first successful Dr. Who film?

    The first successful Dr. Who film?

    Cue "Because it's there" jokes.

    Cue "Because it's there" jokes.

    The main lasting effect of "Angel" was that the American distributors of Neil Jordan's film of the same name were forced to re-title it for US release to avid confusion with the teenage-hooker one, which came out at the same time.  Hence "Danny Boy"; argh.

    The main lasting effect of "Angel" was that the American distributors of Neil Jordan's film of the same name were forced to re-title it for US release to avid confusion with the teenage-hooker one, which came out at the same time.  Hence "Danny Boy"; argh.

    Who is going to watch a women's pissing contest?  It probably only exists because of Title IX.

    Who is going to watch a women's pissing contest?  It probably only exists because of Title IX.

    Why has this blog post got a picture of Boy George on it?

    Why has this blog post got a picture of Boy George on it?

    The guy playing Robin Hood has 0 charisma, and that pretty much sinks the show.  The reason it continued for so long was that the Women of England collectively went weak at the knees for Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne, so a lot of the fan commentary is Guy/Maid Marian slashfic.  Every episode pretty much has the

    The guy playing Robin Hood has 0 charisma, and that pretty much sinks the show.  The reason it continued for so long was that the Women of England collectively went weak at the knees for Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne, so a lot of the fan commentary is Guy/Maid Marian slashfic.  Every episode pretty much has the

    Which ones are the teens, and which ones are the wolves?

    Which ones are the teens, and which ones are the wolves?