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    I've heard that Pride and Prejudice was filmed as wartime propaganda - to make the English class system more acceptable to Americans - so that's why they rewrote the Lady Catherine scene.  Also it's possibly why Mr. Collins isn't a clergyman in the movie, because Americans would have been repelled by the idea of an

    The liberties aren't that bad; the crazy Victorian costumes are a bit of a distraction at first, since we're so used to the Regency costume obsession of the modern versions.  They turn Mr. Bennett from a bitter misanthrope into a good-natured father figure, but so does every other film/TV version, and it's a real

    The liberties aren't that bad; the crazy Victorian costumes are a bit of a distraction at first, since we're so used to the Regency costume obsession of the modern versions.  They turn Mr. Bennett from a bitter misanthrope into a good-natured father figure, but so does every other film/TV version, and it's a real

    Morrissey's music makes you suicidal; absence of Morrissey's music makes you suicidal.  Do we have an excluded middle here?

    Morrissey's music makes you suicidal; absence of Morrissey's music makes you suicidal.  Do we have an excluded middle here?

    Huckleberry Fink would have been terrible.  What were your parents thinking?

    Ask the Secret Service; apparently they are experts at preventing prostitutes from overcharging.

    The episode of International House Hunters I can't forget showed this couple buying a house in Ireland - it was obviously filmed just before the property bubble burst but I was watching it a couple of years after.  The couple were paying hundreds of thousands for a shitty bungalow way out in what was then the commuter

    The episode of International House Hunters I can't forget showed this couple buying a house in Ireland - it was obviously filmed just before the property bubble burst but I was watching it a couple of years after.  The couple were paying hundreds of thousands for a shitty bungalow way out in what was then the commuter

    The abortion technique in that picture is a bit unconventional - what does he do, spin her until the baby is shot out by centrifugal force?

    The abortion technique in that picture is a bit unconventional - what does he do, spin her until the baby is shot out by centrifugal force?

    Snow White and the Huntsman 2: Achondroplastic Boogaloo

    Snow White and the Huntsman 2: Achondroplastic Boogaloo

    Myxo-Lydian or GTFO

    Myxo-Lydian or GTFO

    It sounds like they understand the "Narcotics" part but not the "Anonymous" part.

    It sounds like they understand the "Narcotics" part but not the "Anonymous" part.

    The rule of three means that Unico and Canadian TV are next.

    The rule of three means that Unico and Canadian TV are next.

    Where will this all end?
    Zombies in Love
    Young Zombies
    A Zombie for All Seasons
    A Nous Les Petites Zombies
    Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!
    Springtime for Zombies
    Un-die Hard
    The Magnificent Seven Zombies (actually a ripoff of the Japanese classic, Seven Zombie Samurai)
    Zombies -v- Singapore Slings
    My Fair Zombie