Dr. B

The thing is, it's not a trend. It's one team doing it.
Maybe a series, but not like something that other people are rushing out to emulate.

Wasn't the book set in a post- WWIII world, after the nukes had turned the planet into mostly a wasteland filled with large mutants and crazed people who worshiped atom bombs?

I remember shortly after it came out..(2 weeks!!)
I was young and thought it was only a cheesy sci-fi action movie filled with soldiers shooting giant bugs. It's reassuring to be able to look back at films like this that are actually pretty nuanced about the problems war brings (-for the insight Verhoeven has as well

Thanks, Must've been the 90's version then (or some ripoff), would've been the right time/age for it too.

Death Valley time portal?
Ok, did either the original show or remake (in the early 90's) have the family's car fall into some big gorge/portal thing specifically in death valley? Because I know I watched a show like that (where they then lived back in time with the dinosaurs and monkey ppl etc)…

The Lost aspect was more of Season 1 (when the people were largely unkown as of yet and even exactly what was a mystery was still largely unknown (no mention of dharma/only glimpses of smoke/etc). Comment elsewhere on the quality of the show, I was just trying to ask for examples of OTHER shows that have done this

One possibility is the deal they're getting is better than whatever number their analysts have crunched for prospective increased sales (aren't iphone sales pretty good anyway?). Also, potentially more control over the product.

I have to say, whenever I go into my basement and see somebody standing facing the corner while another person is being killed I freak out. My hands even shake a bunch, everything ends up a mess.

Let's discuss the shows that did this well.
I like these shows when done well (Lost, The Prisoner, etc)…
What other examples are there (I know there's a bunch)

Personally there were only a couple good moments in Paranormal Activity for my tastes, and the ending is seen from a mile away after quite a few scenes give it away earlier on.

Also a VERY good recent movie: A tale of two sisters (a korean horror movie, one that's a new cult canon review on the 24th or 25th this month)

So, is that Sir Captain or Captain, Sir?

Stand alone eh?
So is that a hint at definitely no Robin appearing then?

That's too bad….
What's a wizard to do?

Sorry, I was just too lazy to check then.

Well, if an anime was ever made it could be based off the manga (which essentially did that in its chapters, though still of course focusing on the main characters)

On that note, terminator. and remember there are lots of copies of the same models right? So shouldn't there be lots and lots of glau-bots?

18 in Seasons One And Two, Yep
I'm going to be enjoying this (and I'll watch along with you, yay!).

Are you sure about that hoodwink? How would they catch anyone who's already dl'd it and stopped seeding then? (and the bulk has probably already happened, given the release date).

"Sharing" in this context is down or up (I would assume,because there's no way 5000 people individually uploaded this. Then again, 5000 people seems a little low for dl's of it as well, being a recent film, an oscar winner, etc)