I like to think that there was almost no time between when Mulaney got this news and when he told Anthony Jeselnik to suck it.
It's weird to say this…but I'm really glad I didn't take time off of work to play video games this week.
Facebook mobile. Just let me choose "Most Recent" for my News Feed and be done with it.
See, now I'm thinking we need to get a bunch of Halloween Dikachus together and run around some poor unsuspecting city a la the midnight monkey scenes from Jackass.
I had a similar experience with a steak from Safeway. The customer service people really don't know what to do if you bring them a steak that tastes like metal and tell them to try it if they think it's good meat.
I was going to go as @Dikachu:disqus - yellow jumpsuit, dildo nose - but I'll be home handing out candy this year and don't want to explain it to parents.
Just googled to see who Patton was playing with this weekend, and holy shit. Fully jealous.
Guns 'N Roses - "Out Ta Get Me (live)"
Slayer - "Flesh Storm"
Beefcake - "untitled 4"
NOFX - "Can't Get The Stink Out"
Phish - "Squirming Coil"
Usually I'd be trying to help people get Medicare claims paid right now. Not sure if claims are being processed, but I can tell you no one is answering the phones.
LIFE is a conspiracy!
That whole 1984 album is an underappreciated gem.
In one of the first episodes, an Italian gangster is sedated while in the hole and then set on fire by another prisoner. That scene (and the reveal of the charred remains the next week) messed me up for a good long time.
In an upcoming bio-pic, the part of Tom Clancy will be played by Patton Oswalt in aviator shades.
*record scratch*
Hope this show lasts a while before they do the Fadeaway.
GTA V. I'm taking my sweet time on the story/missions and enjoying just tooling around the city. I spent a good long time floating around in the blimp mapping things out, until I thought it'd be cool to fly under a bridge and ended up crashing into the water in the middle of nowhere.
Touche, pussy gato.
Free the censored eleven!