FWIW, Samanth Geimer just released a memoir earlier this month "to tell her story and reflect on the events of that day and their lifelong repercussions". (I've got it on hold at the library.)
FWIW, Samanth Geimer just released a memoir earlier this month "to tell her story and reflect on the events of that day and their lifelong repercussions". (I've got it on hold at the library.)
Still waiting for that Preacher show (which I know deep down will never happen, but I can still dream dammit).
In tangentially related news, Speedy Gonzales was apprehended in Arizona and promptly deported.
I got home from work today and Djshe had found Maudite at a newly opened New Seasons and stashed it in the fridge for me. I am a lucky fool.
I refuse to like this, but it made me laugh out loud.
I clicked on this only because I saw Atlas Shrugged in the headline and thought Cloud Atlas. Pass.
I couldn't help but think of the South Park episode where Kyle's dad has cosmetic surgery to make him look like a dolphin. I'm guessing roughly the same amounts of weed resulted in both concepts making it past storyboard.
My good news: my ex and her family, who were forced to move out of their rental after the flooding in Boulder (long story, shady landlord), just signed a year lease for a nice big apartment - the same one they lived in before they moved into the house that they just had to move out of.
Marilyn Manson should have covered "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey circa 2000. Seriously, read the lyrics with them in mind.
I wanted to like this album so much more than I actually did. The acoustic versions he did as a perk for the PledgeMusic project include more songs, and I'm enjoying those a whole lot more. Songs included "Lazy Bones", "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago", "Fully Retractable", "Soft Serve", "Sugar Free Jazz", "Soundtrack to…
I recently rediscovered The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust after I kept reading articles comparing Yeezus to Williams' work. Great stuff.
Fred Meyer carries La Fin Du Monde, but not Maudite. Los bastardos strike again.
Two unsupervised kids in diapers playing with rusty car parts next to a station wagon with a "kids need both parents" bumper sticker.
I have a co-worker who can not pronounce any of the following words without adding letters or syllables:
Non-song tracks I skipped are in italics…
Hostel meets Sling Blade?
I would agree if Dave Mustaine hadn't lost his sense of humor some time over the last decade.
All the more reason to hope for a direct-to-DVD animated movie to bridge the gap between the end of season 1 of Tron: Uprising and the third movie.
"Nice fuckin' model. *honk honk*"
Prediction: Metallica is a no-show for Colbert, but Anthrax just happens to be in the crowd and ready to perform.