
This song was used in one of my favorite old promos for The State.  It played over scenes of the cast looking depressed and/or outright sobbing with superimposed quotes from negative reviews, including one giving the show negative two stars and another recommending drug testing at MTV.

Go Straight To Hell, boys.

C'est le mort-vivant?


In a cruel twist, fumes from waterproofing those boots give Michael Douglas throat cancer.  To hide his crimes, he insists on alternate causes.

Proposed sub-plot: they all end up in Cartagena and everyone keeps coming up to Kathleen Turner asking her to sign romance novels.

The Latin word for bear is ursa, which means bear.

Quiet…isn't it…George…Michael…Dolenz?

I always think of this as "The Beavis".

My favorite is still from my desk in a college psych class:
"Go home to your mother - this isn't some communist day-care center."

All of my lab tests for kidney/bladder cancer came back normal.  (See a half a dozen threads up.)  :-D

Congrats @avclub-f2fab98dc792d8199eecbc69a110185b:disqus!  This evening when my ongoing celebration continues, I'll be raising a glass to you.

Frank Zappa - 313.

Yup, same story here.  Such promise, tons of flowers, and then just the one.

The good news is the cysts are totally benign.  I have a bunch on both kidneys and one small one on my liver, all of which I am being told not to worry about.  The follow-up next month is with a nephrologist, who will hopefully tell me that the changes I've made to my diet (way less red meat and salt, way more water

Not a lot of time to post/read today as Noridian and/or Medicare are making my work life freaking ridiculous, but I wanted to post

Noridian, the company that handles electronic claims for Medicare in several states, has been erroneously rejecting claims for Oregon, Washington and Arizona (amongst others, probably) for the past week with cryptic messages about invalid codes that are completely valid.  I help our customers address electronic claim

Fugazi - "And The Same (live)"
Anal Cunt - "Technology's Gay"
Warren Zevon - "Don't Let Us Get Sick"
Miles Davis - "Will O' The Wisp"
Jurassic 5 - "Concrete Schoolyard"

Feed me now…
(I miss Dennis Flemion.)

The zucchini in our garden finally produced its first tiny little vegetable, and looks like it might be just about to die.  The acorn squash that we didn't plant that showed up in the dirt next to the compost bin is flourishing with no attention from us.  Live and learn.