If you're doing touristy stuff, make time for the Guggenheim.
If you're doing touristy stuff, make time for the Guggenheim.
Been there - the scan that found the cysts was actually supposed to be to make sure that the procedures to break up/remove stones back in April were successful…and thankfully they were. :-)
Does anyone remember TV 101, a late '80s series about a high school class that runs some sort of closed-circuit tv station at school? It was cancelled after Matt LeBlanc's character got his girlfriend pregnant and she decided to have an abortion, but I'm having a hell of a time finding a decent episode guide.
Too true. I may not enjoy my day-to-day job, but the benefits kick ass. Bonus: management has been really understanding with my occasional absences (I blew through all of my PTO back in April when I had two procedures to break up and remove the kidney stones).
Zeke - "Revolution"
Public Enemy - "Long and Whining Road"
mclusky - "When They Come Tell Them No"
Ol' Dirty Bastard - "Cold Blooded"
The Residents - "I'm Dreaming of a White Sailor"
"Who says farts in the pool aren't awesome?"
The scene in Grumpier Old Men when Burgess Meredith's character quietly dies on a bench and his ashes are scattered on the lake still gets me every time. I first saw the movie shortly after my father died, and spent the half hour after that scene blubbering and bawling embarrassingly loudly in a public restroom.
2007 Dodge Caliber. The moral of this story: never, ever buy a car in its first model year.
Djse's kidney update thread
There should be a Cards Against Humanity support group called Friends of Rando Calrissian.
Thanks for the tip re: Home Again. I'll be listening to it on my after-work commute for at least the next week. Just so good.
It was the big fake "Black Hole Sun" smile that made it impossible for me to root for Stacy.
Goatse dentata? *shudder*
Deadline said it made $71K in 3 theaters.
Agreed. I got her hooked on the Aja/Fraction Hawkeye series, and she has since picked up Wolverine and X-Men from Marvel Now, as well as Ten Grand (after a recommendation from her hair stylist).
Friday: Broadchurch - excellent. Looking forward to the rest of this series. Followed that up with the last few issues of Ten Grand (Image comics - supernatural crime drama about an anti-hero trying to reunite with his dead love - I am not doing it justice with this description.) They're only on issue 4 (out this…
*quietly adds Kindergarten Cop to the Netflix DVD queue since it's not available for streaming*
At least I'm pretty sure it's not lupus.
Hey, thanks everybody. I'm not really telling people outside of my immediate family and this relatively anonymous forum until I know more about what's going on, so I really do appreciate the kind words and well-wishing. I'll post updates on next week's TI (after a CAT scan with contrast dye - another first for me)…
Tonight I'm having a good news/bad news celebration/worryfest.