
This promises to be as great as Steve Martin's take on the Pink Panther movies. So no.


Rambo: Sharknado Part II

RIP Mother Firefly.

@avclub-af8127a980a98471f696a5a395b9088d:disqus - if I was eating a desert, my mouth would be incredibly dry when I was done.
After the kidney stones, my doc recommended getting as many servings of citrus fruit in a day as possible.  A smoothie is an easy way to get 3-4 servings in without just sitting and eating four

Excellent.  At some point I will inevitably suggest rocket launcher deathmatches in prison and/or ice cream truck races, because I grew up with an Atari 2600 and still think it's freaking awesome that a game lets you do either of those things.

I forgot she was in the original, which made this whole thing all the more insane.

@LJo1:disqus - The Metroid Prime trilogy is a super-fun first-person shooter style series that anyone who has a Wii and/or ever played Metroid on the NES should have.  It's the game series that made me want a Wii (they also came out on the GameCube but it's way more fun to point and shoot).

I've been resisting the urge (and talking my girlfriend out of it - she's been ready to call the cops since the neighbor quit his regular job and opened the garage)…but I think the RV is going to be the straw that cripples this camel.

I'm a tech support rep for a medical practice management system.  Basically I help angry people who have been shuffled into jobs that they are not qualified for figure out why their electronic insurance claims are being rejected.

I agree with all of this (esp. Mario Party for the young'ns), but I feel the need to clarify:

I find that the more metal the band is, the more OK this is.

After two kidney stone surgeries and a cross-country family visit, I'm all out of time off from work or I'd be right there with you.  (Tangsbrazilian on PSN)

My next door neighbor is running an unlicensed garage out of his home, which means there are always new and interesting pieces of shit parked up and down the street in front of our houses.  About a week and a half ago he parked an RV in front; it hasn't moved since, and from the sounds it was making at around 11:30

It's summertime, so I've been alternating between Corona (w/ actual lime chunks) and Black Butte Porter.  I tried Obsidian Stout by accident (it was right next to the porter in the store and I was in a hurry)…it's OK but a little more bitter than I prefer.  Next week it's back to BBP.

Last week I had to say the following sentence to a co-worker:

It's a much better album…but I don't think they'll ever really top The Eyes of Stanley Pain (RIP Dwayne Goettel).

Eminem - "Just Don't Give a Fuck"
Utah Phillips & Ani Difranco - "Enormously Wealthy"
Sigur Rós - "Starálfur (live)"
Slayer - "Catatonic"
Download - "Nor"

Homemade smoothie with peaches, cherries, blueberries, pineapple juice and honey yogurt.  My girlfriend started making them for herself a few weeks ago and I talked her into making extra for me this week.

Simpsons did it.