
Indiana Jones and the Kidney Stones of Doom

I freely admit to being in the "13 needs Ward" camp when I first heard about the conflicts between Bill and the rest of the band…but it was always more a matter of wishful thinking than realistic hope.

If Bill Ward can still play, he needs to make like Dave Lombardo and start a side project or three.  If not, he needs to own it and be done with it.

Don't go chasing giant balls.

The tape deck in my '81 Delta 88 Olds had the same problem.  The last cassette it ever played was Spartacus by The Farm.  (This was also the last time I ever listened to that album.)

Or kittens…or magnets…or water…or the endless march of technological advancement.

I think it's supposed to be the body parts that the Governor feeds his zombie kid…but that's just a guess.  I couldn't think of another section of the story where a bucket of body parts might have shown up.

…or Sonic Youth, or the Meat Puppets, or Dinosaur Jr., or Negativland…

I vote for whoever it was who forwarded the offending material to Patrice's widow.

Reading this in my head in the Cookie Monster voice is cracking me the hell up.

Some Freudian shrink would like a word with you.
(But yes, I totally saw it too.)

C'moooooon live performance of "Get Lucky" with Colbert doing parody lyrics about…anything.

When I play Your Momopoly, she always lands on my hotels.

Next week's show in Portland is still on…so far…

First issue comes out September 4th.  It'll most likely be the last Star Wars title that Dark Horse puts out before they lose the license to Disney.

Lucille (the bat) shows up in the comics around issue #100, and is rarely used on zombies.  Hope that's not too spoiler-ish.

Grand Theft Auto V, aka the last game I'll buy for the PS3 before upgrading.

Hey look, everyone who saw Dredd in theaters liked my idea.

@ColdGottoBe:disqus - Hey, rules are rules.  I'll just pack up my desk and go.

Dammit, I sat here reading this comment, then the article, then the comment, then the article…for well longer than anyone should have before noticing the poster's name.  Well played, sir.