Good point. I'll try throwing Lee in a Plant sandwich and see if I cringe any less.
Good point. I'll try throwing Lee in a Plant sandwich and see if I cringe any less.
This is perfect - many thanks.
I am not a member of the cult of Rush for two reasons:
Give up!
(Thank you, Negativland.)
Quick, someone send China more copies of Dredd.
With no context other than the above comments, I'm gonna guess…something a Team-Whatever-The-Werewolf's-Name-Is Twilight fan would say in a role-play-ish online conversation to indicate that his/her werewolf character's eyes are doing whatever they do when werewolves find something they want to eat and/or fuck.
@avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus - she is, and it's a good thing too.
Phase II: alternate Teddy Ruxpins with Furbies in a checkerboard pattern.
Holy shit. I never noticed that - it's hidden unless I hover over the thread. Mind: blown.
I long for collapsible threads.
I got it, but I can't like it.
So this is what Jackass is going to look like post-Dunn. :-(
Beyond Grandpa > Bad Grandpa
We also grew some romanesco (did this stuff exist when we were kids?) for the first time this year. It seemed to be doing well and we got a few smallish heads off of two of the plants before our puppy decided to jump up into the raised bed and eat the leaves off of all but one plant. She also ate blueberries from…
I was kind of half-hoping that this would be a show about some daredevil with huge (metaphorical) balls, but this is definitely what I was expecting from TLC. At least it's a special and not a series (yet).
*heads to Amazon*
Exactly this.
My cat puked on part of my comic book collection this morning. Thankfully everything that was worth more than a few bucks was stashed away, and all I really lost was Amazing Spider-Man #350 and a giveaway Avengers book. Now I have to sort out the best way to apologize to my girlfriend for completely freaking out…
"I am the gangster of love, I am the Lothario of farts."
(Thank you, Grumpier Old Men.)