
A few awesome things:

The Boredoms "Anarchy in the UKK"
Sleep "Sonic Titan"
The Presidents of the United States of America "Naked and Famous"
Negativland "Dead Dog Records Part 5: It Ain't Legit"
U.N.K.L.E. "Lonely Soul"

I've been on vacation, visiting/surprising my mother for her 65th birthday and retirement party and then spending time with the fam.  My uncle also showed up and surprised my mom.  We had several barbecues throughout the week, and he always brought a cooler.  At the last one before I came home, he asked me if I wanted

@avclub-5dc978b30969d0ba612c37bb0543eafb:disqus - I believe Fugazi would be in the waiting room.

*patiently waits for a Jay-Z single featuring Faith+1*

I have the same movie playing in my head as @avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus except my version is basically just Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and yes, even Adam West trying to out-gravel each other with the line, "It's what we do that defines us," until it sounds like a

I wonder how accurately we could estimate a poster's age based on which shirtless celebrities they come up with.

[ENTER Michael Keaton through a dingy window]

But a Kanye West/Metallica album…maybe.  Probably not, but maybe.

I sure hope this article didn't spoil The Monster at the End of this Book for anyone.  (I'm lookin' at you, Sandler.)

The blonde showed up last week at the lunch table with Brock for a second, and I thought it might be Myra (either rehabilitated, lobotomized, or hiding and nuts) then.  The butch cut under the long blonde wig certainly lends to that theory.

So how long before he and Paris Hilton guest on each other's terrible albums?

And with that, Iggy Pop was asked to leave the show.

Something something Slayer something Jeff Hanneman and Dave Lombardo.

I see "electronic-tinged Death Cab for Cutie" and immediately think The Postal Service.  I'll pass (although I will go back and search out that Dinosaur Jr. project).

That's the guy.  (Now go watch Enter the Dragon.)

Oh he was not.

The bit he did about having sex with Joan Rivers is one of the funniest things from any Comedy Central roast.

A friend of mine has a great series of photos from the time she re-lived the drive described in Negativland's "A Big 10-8 Place (part 2)".  I wish she'd make a tumblr already.

*pounds vanilla extract*
*punches Alex*