
I like to imagine that Will Smith's hip-hop vocabulary is still mad dated, yo.

I've only used Lyft before, so when I got an Uber in LA recently and the nice driver got me to the airport on time, I just left the car went to leave a tip on the app in the airport and got super confused. I was pretty mortified when I learned you're supposed to tip in cash in the car, which I would have totally done.

Newly started hives often quit early after starting late, due to technical difficulties.

It's for when you want to show off your fresh summer body at the Nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards, but are also trying to avoid gooch/cooch goop.

"I, on the other hand, will live forever. BAIO OUT!!"

Wake me up when they put Ren & Stimpy in Alice in Wonderland.

You're not even going to mention slightly Stu Ooped?

O'Reilly then went back to his usual Youtube viewing of poisonous snake bites and sharking videos that haven't been flagged yet.

I couldn't even watch 15 seconds of the video, it was so painful.

Ah, my comment is very similar, props for the thought.

GTL baby! General fraud, Tax evasion, and Laundering!

Spoiler: He gets stabbed by Sam Tarly in his first scene.

How do you close the bag of milk? Just tie it off? That seems like a stupid solution.

Without prejudice, we can re-file all day! AD!

Leeeeet's get re-tort-ed in here! Right guys?

"When suddenly I realize 'Holy shit, Lara, haven't you been smoking Peyote for six straight days, and couldn't some of this maybe be in your head? And it was. I was totally fine. I've never even been to somewhere off the coast of Japan."

Combine them into Arkanississippabama.

I love video game glitches. I don't know what it is, but watching Fifa or other sports games glitches is one of my favorite Youtube-oriented activities. So honestly this game feels like a dream come true.

Fox will then be sued for rehashing "Marvin, what's going on?" with new audio commentary.

If you notice, the "doughnuts" are in fact made of rice and wasabi. So this is essentially just like a full circle roll. Everyone has their seaweed wraps in a bunch over this.