
I began to feel sorry for Tom after Gaffigan and then Maron called in just long enough to plug their shows after Chris Elliot spent the first half of the show peddling Eagle Heart. No one, it seems, swings by the Best Show unless they have something to sell.

"Maron doesn’t shy away from asking tough questions about the failure of Run Ronnie Run " He does shy away from asking tough questions about why Todd Margaret, an apparent labor of love for Cross, was so awful, however. That said, it was a great interview - nice to hear Cross mellowing a bit.

I don't understand what happened to Will Sasso. Fat or thin, he was the funniest thing to come out of Mad TV. His career seemed to evaporate. This stoogest movie is the first I've heard of him in a long time.

sweet - thanks for the tip

I really wanted/tried to like Frotcast but those guys are only tolerable in print. /Filmcast, like  the site, is solid.

Rogan and Carolla are actually entertaining if you're a guy. Occasionally I'll get to the end of an episode of Nerdist or Stop Podcasting Yourself and I feel like I'm going to start lactating - all those precious pop culture references and girlish giggling…fuck off.

Laserbeam stinks - sorry.
That said, agreed on the collaboration eps; I had high hopes for that cross-over - underwhelming.

Bill Burr is another exception - granted. 
The only reason the rest don't make it in and comedy types like Klausner, Proops, Hodgeman, etc do is less a matter of genuine taste than posturing. My point is that the AVC isn't really establishing the gold standard for comedy here. Rogan is about as funny as Klausner -

To be fair, SuperEgo is so clever and well written that their talents are really wasted on a podcast. I went back and purchased a slew of their shows awhile back because I wanted to support the show but I really think they would do better writing and performing for movies and tv. Why, for instance, SNL hasn't picked

Not really - Paget Brewster and PFT are stellar and the writing has its moments, no doubt, but there are frequent dead zones, eg Captain Laser Beam. It would really be better (like so many podcasts) as a monthly, like Superego or Podftompkcast.

My problem with Kasher is that he never stops selling his precocious wigger childhood. I've heard him guest on a dozen or so podcasts over the last two years and he makes a point of recounting the same cray cray anecdotes whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'm hoping this book tour gets it out of his system

Nice list - I'm going to check out a couple of these. I've been avoiding all things maximumfun because something about Jesse Thorn skeeves me. Since you mentioned UYD, check out his interview with Seth and Jonathan on the The Sound of Young America (I think) if you haven't.

I lump him in with the others because he is a regular on Rogan's podcast - they grok mind expanding nonsense.

It is the worst. The pattern invariably involves explaining the game repeatedly to one or two of the players only to have them make a feeble attempt and give up.  Worse yet, it is taking up more and more of the show. That said, the Len Maltin game is also starting to get stale. I like Doug, always have, but the format

Has "In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg" from the BBC been covered in Podmass? It is a little like Radiolab or Stuff You Should Have… but for adults - a little dense at time, but satisfying.

It'll never happen, dude. I love the AVC, but are an effete, snobby bunch and they cultivate a 'there goes the neighborhood' mentality where jock/frat/townie types are concerned. You will never see Rogan, Carolla, Fitzsimmons, Smith or any of their acolytes mentioned here (outside of the comments). 
The closest you'll

I like the idea of Scott taking random personalities (rather than comics) like Fred Savage and pairing them up with characters. It didn't pan out here but the premise is sound.

I made a comment regarding Rogan that covers this - it isn't going to happen and there are plenty of places to discuss all things Adam. best to let it go…

I made the point a couple weeks back that Julie Klauser is essentially the female equivalent of Joe Rogan. Joe talks mind expanding drugs, mma, screwing models, etc. Julie talks about her favorite tv programs, her cat, etc. If you listened to them without any context, you would assume both shows were recorded in a

Thanks for this post - week after week we get scores of DLM, WTF, CBB and other Largo comedy mafia related posts while the simple genius of UYD remains overlooked. I really appreciate the fact that Podmass keeps covering them. I've gone back and listened to all of their episodes over the last few months and they have