John Sweden

It's actually a pretty great premise (and a pretty logical one), so I'm cautiously optimistic about this movie.

Yes, probably.

I can understand being personally frustrated, but I can't understand being angry at him as a person. That's the way he feels, he said so, and he wasn't even really a dick about it when he said it. Everyone can relate to being embarrassed by rough versions of their work. That's how Lucas feels about the original

The real problem with the prequels is that they went over most people's heads. They're much smarter movies than people give them credit for. For example, all three of the complaints in your post reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of basic aspects of the films.

I'm sorry. A week or so ago something similar happened regarding this controversy, and someone in the comments section really was genuinely infuriated at the AV Club staff. I mistakenly thought you were of the same mindset.

It's filed that way because Bill Cosby is a famous comedian. News concerning comedians on The AV Club is generally filed under "Comedy," even if the content of the news item itself is not specifically intended to elicit laughter from the reader.

I think maybe he meant, "He could have slept with any super model he wanted to consensually, so why did he resort to raping one?"

They can both be innocent until proven guilty.

I don't even drink coffee.

I won't be satisfied unless the velociraptors are the size of small dogs, like nature intended.

Bit late to the discussion, but this episode actually ties in rather well with what Lucas said about supply problems and sabotage delaying the construction of the first Death Star. According to that incomplete Clone Wars arc, giant kyber crystals are relatively rare, so it would be a major setback if even one was

They probably wouldn't use data tapes, either, but here we are. Just roll with it.

This takes place 5 years before Episode IV. So the Empire's been going for 14 years, and as such Leia would be 14 years old. So, probably not old enough to be a lone-operating contact on an abandoned asteroid base.

Minor point, but I think dropping the episode number for the new Star Wars movie is just part of a general trend in movies, especially Disney ones. Look at all the Marvel sequels that just got subtitles and no sequel number.

A Sunny Day in the Void was the best episode, because it's one of the few times Star Wars went totally abstract and philosophical. I think it's one of the best things that ever came out of Star Wars.

I don't think that's true. TCW was good right off the bat. There were a few filler episodes in the first season, but not that many, really.

How about Chopper? Are we even sure he's really a guy?

As much as I would love that, I would rather see Jar Jar as the loyal Imperial Senator for Naboo. There was actually a scene written for Episode III but never filmed that would have shown Jar Jar having entered into the final stages of his transformation from a naive innocent into a cynical politician.

I'd strongly advise you to get your blood pressure checked sometime in the near future. I'm worried about you, Frankie.

Of course there's a big difference. I'm just wondering exactly where we draw the line. How successful is an convicted ex-rapist allowed to be after his incarceration? Is he allowed to make bank as long as he isn't given fame and national media exposure? Or should he remain comfortably middle class? Personally, I think