John Sweden

I wanted to express my opinion that Hannibal Burress's gender wasn't particularly relevant to this gaining traction now, but I also wanted to clarify that I wasn't trying to do what Enderman was (supposedly) doing. I was replying to you because it seemed like a logical place to do it.

Not the best major for girls? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that literally the worst major to meet girls?

Tobey Maguire gave a way more interesting performance than Andrew Garfield. Andrew Garfield looks more like comics Peter Parker and is more of a heartthrob. That's about it.

Juan_Carlo, do….do you know how laundry works?

I'm not Enderman. I am confused, though.

Just out of curiosity, is there any scenario in which you can consider a rapist to have truly earned a second chance as a person? I'm not defending Mike Tyson in particular, I'm just wondering if there's any reason not to just sentence rapists to death upon conviction, if they have no further worth to society after

I understand the point, and I'm not trying to "play the victim" or whatever, but I think there a lot of factors that led to this getting traction now, and I don't think his being a male was the thing that mattered.

That was the point, and it was hilarious.

Yes, and my understanding is that Leno was less of a bad guy in the whole Conan debacle than everyone assumes.

I prefer my peas apathetic and insincere, thank you very much.

The classic hipster trick of trying to be "intelligent" by "knowing things."

I had no idea you posted here, Taylor, but it's good to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I guess that's the end of the argument.

Emphasis on minor. Because Logan was totally in creepy jailbait territory there, if I remember correctly.

Canada isn't European. It's a foreign nation bordering the United States on the North American mainland—so it's Mexican.

And, let's not forget, reality.

Really? I thought the family thing was funny. Especially with the daughter. Because apparently all you have to do is put a wig and some make-up on Michael J. Fox to make him 100% believable as a teenage girl.

Well, so is Taylor Swift.

I think it was always supposed to look like a bustling spaceport. Tatooine itself is mostly an empty, depopulated shithole, but Mos Eisley is a lone outpost of semi-civilization. It's where smugglers and thieves from hundreds of different planets come to congregate and do business outside the reach of the law. This

I hope it's Sheldon Adelson.

He didn't even bother to shave. He just rolled out of bed at 8:45 in the morning and was like, "Aw shit, I've got to do that Death Star briefing thing in like fifteen minutes."