John Sweden

The Rebel Alliance was a militarized terrorist group engaged in open rebellion against the legitimate galactic government supported by the majority of the populace. Mon Mothma was a "politician" in the same way Osama bin Laden was a "politician."

One popular shortcut I know of: Instead of yelling "Action!" just let out a noncommittal monosyllabic grunt, and trust that your professionally-trained actors will take the hint.

I'm going to be completely honest. While this is incredibly stupid, and I fail to see how it's even possible, I have to admit there is a part of me that really does want to see an idiot douchebag get eaten alive by a giant snake. I am the problem.

Thankfully, after a long and difficult struggle, equal rights were achieved for all Muppets.

Just wait. If these shows are still on the air in seven years, everyone in this thread will agree that they both suck. Such is the way of things. So relax, and enjoy them while you can.

Remember when NBC first passed on his pilot, and how pissed off AV Clubbers were at the cruel injustice of it all? Those comments are really funny, now, in hindsight.

Well yeah, that's why it still sounds interesting. But I'm skeptical about how it will all hang together. It makes me think they should have just brought in David Bowie and made it a spiritual sequel to Labyrinth.

Having to yell "Action!" and "Cut!" all day takes stamina.

This actually sounds like it could be interesting, if it weren't for the "popular tunes from the last six decades" part. Maybe it could turn out to be like a cool American Graffiti thing, but it also sounds a lot like the lazy route taken by the Shrek series.

"I'll see you again in a thousand years."

What are you talking about? You're speaking nonsense, man!

Upvoted for explaining this way more succinctly than I did above.

So do I. Because I read everything in my voice.

I like Scully as much as the next guy but they're clearly equally important to the show.

why do you hate jews so much

Agreed. Luke is clearly a prodigy like his father, which is of course why the Emperor is so interested in him. I just think he should be pretty much the Last Real Jedi. What can I say? That's just my preference.

I think you might just have a penis that looks like a nose.

I think that was the real joke, which makes Zack's freakout in the review even funnier.

As a Simpsons and Futurama fan, and Family Guy non-fan….I actually have to agree.

I doubt it was a ratings ploy. Most people don't give a shit about Futurama. That's why it got cancelled, twice.