I'm trying, man. I'm trying.
I'm trying, man. I'm trying.
You talk about all those decades of improvement, but that improvement never would have happened if filmmakers hadn't made the decision to use practical effects in movies, even when they were less than totally convincing.
I don't know, man, I think you should probably experience something yourself before bashing it in such harsh terms.
Probably by a significant amount. CGI is actually less expensive than practical effects in a lot of cases, which is the real reason filmmakers are so tempted to use it. So it's probably a combination of all the extra production costs brought on by 3D and 48fps, plus the fact that these movies probably just have more…
To be fair, Tolkien tried to rewrite The Hobbit to do the same thing, though to his credit he gave up when he realized it was pointless.
The secret no one wants you to know is that the LotR trilogy wasn't actually that good, in hindsight.
I had no idea big-budget Hollywood blockbusters had big budgets.
"either you believe those four women are lying or you believe bill cosby is a rapist, there is no middle ground here"
Hey man, I think you're being unnecessarily harsh.
Yeah, the rapping parts are awkward, but it's not that bad. The chorus with Michael Stipe singing is quite nice, actually.
Nothing can ever be just "okay," can it?
He reviews all the scripts and basically re-wrote several of the episodes last season. I don't know if all that still holds true but he is definitely involved in the show.
What makes it even more impressive is that she's almost certainly a few years older than she claims. My 50-year-old aunt used to go to school with Ming-Na Wen, who was three grades ahead of her.
I still don't really understand why I'm supposed to hate Bono.
From what I understand, being filmed in front of a live audience is no guarantee that the laughter isn't at least partially fake.
….Why don't you come out and say what about them I'm supposed to look up then?
Well yeah, because of soliciting laws. I just wasn't clear if what he did counted as soliciting, though on further reflection I don't see why it wouldn't. So (I guess?) my concerns about the Canadian Feds are moot.
Yeah…I know how they work. Hence my question….
I mean, I would assume the major porn curating sites have some sort of method of authenticating the ages of the people in the videos they post. I feel like they'd get shut down pretty quick if they ever let a 17-year-old or something slip through somehow. At least I hope that's the case.
Wait, it was a sting operation? Then presumably the actresses in the videos would actually have been legal, right?