John Sweden

Not to mention the existential terror inherent in being a semi-immortal sentient piece of plastic whose sole purpose in life is to be "played with" by an endless succession of higher beings who will never truly know you even exist.

Vaccines gave me the ability to recite every line from Ghostbusters. They can't be all bad!

Your SVU fanfic gets really sexy, too, huh? I thought I was the only one.

And who was Walter Peck answering to? That's right, none other than one Barry Soetoro "Black Mamba" Obama.

I don't care, the entire mediocre movie was worth it for the scene where Skinner bursts in at the end and saves everybody like a Big Damn Hero.

Anyone else want John Cleese to come by, give that little kid a fierce noogie, and take over as Q in the next movie? I mean, honestly. Him as Q was the one good thing to come out of Die Another Day, and they just squandered it.

Aw, I think TWINE is an underrated Bond flick. I mean, obviously Christmas should have been skipped, but…..

Apparently Bail is just a common Alderaanian name.

Jeez, and even I thought Lucas was exaggerating when he said there were people who absolutely couldn't stand C-3PO.

Actually, it was Bail Antilles who was mentioned in The Phantom Menace, not Bail Organa. Bail Antilles was the Alderaanian senator directly preceding Bail Organa, who took office sometime after Episode I. The reason for this convoluted situation is because Lucas originally cast Adrian Dunbar as Bail Organa. In the

It's not as bad as early episodes of The Clone Wars, where Anakin would be with Padme, in her apartment, no doubt about to get freaky….while wearing his full battle armor.

The Devaronian is just a guy they do business with. I doubt the crew of the Ghost were particularly hurt, or particularly care, that he abandoned them. They know how things work.

C-3PO is my favorite character. Seriously. He's the everyman of the Star Wars movies. We might think we'd be Luke Skywalker or Han Solo or Princess Leia, but most of us would be wrong. Most of would be Threepio.

Well, it doesn't make any sense for there to be AT-ATs on Hoth, either, since the ride takes place before the OT. The engineers started off worrying about all this stuff, but then Lucas told them it was just a ride and the main goal was to have fun. So make of it what you will.

I actually kind of enjoyed this episode. Though I may be overly biased by my love of Anthony Daniels as C-3PO. My only major problems were

To be fair, that's four more songs than I've put out in that time period. Unless you count the tunes I involuntarily belt out when I'm on the John.

See, for example: This is technically a rape joke, but the underlying punchline is that the joke itself is actually unpleasant, insensitive, and unfunny. Therefore, I maintain that it is okay.

I maintain that jokes mentioning rape are only automatically unfunny if the punchline is simply that someone got raped, or that a victim of rape deserved it.

That is a damn fine cup of coffee.

Don't worry, someday you'll get off that registry!