William Moffett Jr.

I sort of disagree with this, and Gilligan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be arrogant…I just know how much Vince loves to throw out analytic red herrings and be coy in order to get the audience to do the work (also, if there's formal evidence to refute it, then authorial intent ain't the final say). While the

I see what you're saying, but everyone in that show lost their minds at one time or another. Jesse was the most melodramatic about it, and Hank's was more explicit…but Walt really snapped at certain points (Heisenberg is sort of like alter-ego that embodies his borderline schizophrenia). I think his pride and analytic

Well…Stone is a implicit/explicitly self-proclaimed genius, so maybe we're wrong. I mean, some of his movies are great! And I mean, look at "U-Turn"…that had darkness and deserts…and may or may not have made licks of sense…so I think maybe he is the authority. Yup…I think we've just been detailing the emperor's new

Ummmm, is the memory of the cultural zeitgeist so short-term? Breaking Bad, as a series itself, and especially the trajectory of Walter White, is the finest and most encompassing descent into madness I think has ever been accomplished (really, feminist studies may soon replace "The Yellow Wallpaper" with season 5

Yeah, screw that guy, and any asshole that uses the epicness of Breaking Bad for some sort of detached, monomaniacal clickbait! … http://meaningofbreakingbad…

Donna, I want to thank you so much, for every single review and thought-piece you've written about Breaking Bad. I've followed the A.V. Club's reviews religiously for years, and you and your peers have been a great inspiration for my own amateur attempt to delve into the show. So, without further a-doo-doo (cause of

I had an unnerving thought the other day. What if the finale sucks. I don't mean, "what if the finale gets horrible reviews." No, what if it seems like everyone else loves it…but I think it sucks? I don't expect this at all…but what if? Can't stop thinking about it… http://meaningofbreakingbad…

Who has the bear's eye, though. I bet Gilligan would, if it's still out there (I'm convinced it's coming back in the finale). I'd do anything, and anyone, to get my hands on that bear eyeball… http://meaningofbreakingbad…

I've actually never seen an episode of the show, but indiscriminately sifting through online articles really seems like an appropriate substitute… http://meaningofbreakingbad…