Yoga Fire

I-lists and J-lists, everybody! Not much to speak of here:

Doesn't matter, just throw it away!

Just eat yeast and it'll go away!

Hey, this is fun!

Maybe just economically? All the Socialist revolutions of the 20th century didn't exactly take…

So I'm still not over the brilliance of THE FYE-NUHL DA-LEE-SHUN, it's never stopped being awesome and hilarious. But, speaking as a basic wrestling fan who's never seen Lucha Underground, to what extent is the Hardys' amazing angle just a poor man's version of that?

I have a huge problem with the "Heart's not in it again" thing. As if the stars need to be perfectly aligned and everything I'm doing needs to feel exactly JUST RIGHT if I'm to even be bothered. I'm better at pushing past my severe lack of interest than I used to be, but it's still my biggest obstacle and half the

A book about the Clash and the making of London Calling. It's fucking boring, and I LOVE the Clash. Top 5 band all the way. But this book sucks. I guess they're not interesting to me as people.

Arrested Development. And I KNEW about it at the time. Everyone told me to watch it. I just never did. I can't imagine how revolutionary and refreshing the show must have felt in 2003.

Thanks. I have a lot of ingrained bad habits because I used to be one of those maddening a-holes who can't put on any weight no matter how much I gorge. But now that dadbod is starting to set in, I can sense that my days of pounding an entire pizza without turning into the Blob are over.

I started timing my swims. And if someone's in the lane next to me, my only goal is to be faster than the next guy. Other than that, I'm just competing with myself.

I should get back into lifting. That was when I felt the best about what I was doing and where it was leading.

Either swimming half a mile or running 1.5 miles every day. I know it's not much, but it works with my schedule for now.

I'm straight-edge and my diet is basically lousy. Cooked meats, dairy, pasta, sandwiches, everything you're not supposed to have. Then 1-2 servings of produce a day when I can afford it. There's things I could give up to get healthier — and have in the past — but I haven't learned to function that way yet, with my

I know it's unhealthy. I know it can't last. I know it turns me into a ridiculous bonehead. Goddamn though, I miss feeling passionate about someone.

We also need to dispel this myth that pimping is somehow not easy. From what I can gather, there's really not all that much to it.

I'm staying. My uncertainty was thrown into SHARP, HAIRPIN relief with the momentary interference of another person. But now that that person has fucked off and hopefully is dead, I'm back to plain, old, everyday, unremarkable, low level, non-torturous, slightly reassuring uncertainty. Tbh, my life ceased to be

My Disqus notifications are also completely fucked beyond repair. It's making me less inclined to join in on comment threads, because interactions with other commenters were my favorite part. So I might not be around as much, not that anyone will notice. Or even if you did, I would never know about it, because I CAN'T

So basically Midnight Special: The Series. That would be pretty badass.

Holy shit, your dad and grandpa both fucking rule.