
Wendy is a goner in my opinion. My guess is that Danny threatens Kendall and she gets in between them and he shoots her. Kendall (or Raylan or Boyd) then kills Danny. I agree that Danny's a goner but I would like to see Vegas odds on who kills him.

There was a lot going on in the jail scenes. Another small detail that caught my attention was Ava messing with her shoelaces. I thought, she is either going to strangle someone or hang herself. When I saw her asking for the razor I started leaning towards the latter.

Makes sense that his mouth would be sewn shut.  You wouldn't want a warlock to be able to talk.

Sam seeing Ghost this episode seems to suggest that it's going to happen soon.  It would definitely be a change in the storyline but it still accomplishes the same results:
-Ghost leads Sam to the dragonglass.
-Craster goes to leave baby out in the woods.
-Gilly tries to save the baby from a White Walker trying to claim

This logic is sound.  Best way to make sure that people remember his face when the "oh lemon cakes!" moment happens is to make sure his entire face is uncovered.

Last night's show could have also been called "Home".  It starts with Raylan going to Winona's house and the house of his future child and ends with him sitting outside his father's old house and, presumably, his home now.