
Pa Noire. Not ApesMa.

Hey, on that note, was that ever confirmed? Like I don't exactly remember the thread, but did we ever get definitive proof that really happened?

*cough*Town & Country*cough*

It may also be worth noting that in Annie Hall, the lingerie gift is presented as a cute joke: he also gave her a very nice watch.

Nashville was made in 1975.

What an asshole.

I see where you're coming from, but No Country for Old Men.

No, but let me guess. Pete laughed hysterically throughout the whole thing and then tried to engage Harris in a discussion on what God means to him, man.

I hate Jason so fucking much.

The cheeseball's got no frikkin class!

Yup. Whenever anyone used to bring up Fat Albert, I would say "Did you know that was Bill Cosby's doctoral thesis?"

Father of Neneh and Eagle-Eye?

The Mullets was a UPN show.

Or remembers the period Joe Pesci vehicle The Public Eye.

Hey! A sex film!

The The Eye Creatures.

Oh my God, I have missed you.

All right, no more of your little riffs.

"Taffy Butt"-oh wait, you said Linda songs.