The Windsurfing Rabbi from Cheap Seats might have something supportive to offer.
The Windsurfing Rabbi from Cheap Seats might have something supportive to offer.
Mr. Greene, you are on fire today!
Fuck politely. It's been four years. Mohd no longer deserves politeness.
Your Desperate Housewives entry should read "that ridiculously talented crop of lead actresses…and Eva Longoria."
Upvoted for FetLife joke.
Cherokee people! Cherokee tri-ibe!
Tell her to call me.
or Mall week!
Would you really want to go to Queens in the early 70s?
My kids like Futurama and Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I was a terrible husband, but I think I'm doing OK as a father.
I thought the "hes pisses off her parents" explanation worked pretty well.
You might have to try Grindr in another dimension…one that's big on musical theater.
um, I think you misspelled Mystery Science Theater 3000.
God, that was a weird one. What was the idea they were trying to teach there?
Doctors must hate you.
What are you, a communist?
There are still songs I hear the choruses of and the Dickie Goodman (or Whimsical Will) version goes off in my head.
Allegedly, Jim Henson and Kermit appeared on Carson sometime in the 70s and the sound guy miked Kermit instead of Jim.
My go to is "10 banana cream pies!," regardless of anyone within earshot getting the reference.