

The giant spider is most likely Earth vs. the Spider.

I'm a Virgin.

I made it through 4:45. It's a guy in a boring monotone telling me things I already know.

"We'ah not weahing makeup" (best attempt at transcribing Gene Simmons' horrible Bronx accent)

It's almost all bad. I don't think I've ever seen someone so punchable.

Well, that's just it. The guy is straight up unfunny and always has been. He's a smug, whiny baby-boomer who thinks he's being incisive.

um, The Royal Tennenbaums.


I said it on the last one and I'll say it again:

Sims could give her a run for her money.

She does. It's called Archer. It's very funny. You should watch it.

The 80s porn star?

Will he scream about how much of a nerd he is and ask every guest to compare their profession to stand up? He's not interested if the answer is "no."

I think even Chelsea Handler is sick of Chelsea Handler's schtick at this point.

I want that man's job:

Now you've done it. Here comes Sims to defend Sonia's honor.

That implies a lot more about Sonia Saraiya than I wanted to know.

Your TV Critics kept giving this "A"s. Hope you're proud, AV Club.

Please cast an actress with the ability to stretch the word "well" into seven syllables.